View Full Version : Health anxiety game.

04-01-15, 13:25
As a laugh and some behavior changing way I suppose, I thought of an idea for those of us unluck enough to be suffering with this terror right now. List the reasons your symptoms could be anxiety and why they might not be see which list is bigger. The only thing you have to do is be completely impartial no changing it to make it more likely not to be in your head:

So my worries are:
Brain aneyurism
Circulatory problems
Heart disease
or some other form of bleeding etc.

For Anxiety:
Shortness of breath is a big symptom of anxiety despite the fact its chronic
I've had a work through medically (blood test EKG and chest x-ray)
My symptoms get worse and better intermittently
Depending which one is my biggest fear those symptoms present themself more
I've had the problems I've had for 4 months
It all started after a huge panic attack
Orginally it was only agoraphobia
I've coughed my way to oblivion, sneezed, had sex, and none of these things have made my symptoms worse
I've been to the opticians, dentist and doctors a few times. Been checked for my balance and the back of my eyes.
I generally have low blood pressure
My SOB isnt there as much when I'm doing something or focusing..... (oh wait there it is ;) )
I have been off trotting round town and shopping a few times and no increases in the SOB
My symptoms directly correlate with how much I've been doing checking behaviors and googling
I'm only 18 years old!
Ten days before all of this started I was doing 40 miles on my bike!

Against anxiety:
I smoke 10-15 cigs a day
I've been inactive for the best part of 4 months
The doctors could have missed something
The pains and aches feel very real
It effects me in such huge ways

My scores: 15:5

We have a winner!

I'd love to see how other peoples anxiety's stack up too