View Full Version : lymphoma/night sweats

09-01-07, 15:06
after having gone to two doctors both saying my neck lymph nodes were normal, just what i need, i start noticing night sweats.
when i went to the second doctor i had already been having very mild night sweats for 4 or so days, he said it's nothing, probably viral, but i doubt that as i don't feel as though i have a virus.
i had a break, 3 nights of sleep without waking up with a layer of sweat, then last night, i wake up not "drenched" but it was a good one, my chest/neck were beeding with sweat.
so i have various optimistic explanations, and a few questions, since i know night sweats have already been discussed here a number of times.
1. my night sweats always occur just a 1 to 3 hours after falling asleep. is this typical of anxiety-induced night sweats?
2. could it be caused by muscle tension? i know muscles get hot when tensed up.
3. even though it seems to be an often discussed topic here, i find very little information about anxiety-induced night sweats anywhere else on the internet. is there anywhere that discuss this in some detail?


09-01-07, 20:42
I had convinced myself I had lymphoma as well! I think the night sweats associated with it are literally drenching - bedclothes wet etc. I wake up sweating in the night if I have had a nightmare or horrible dream, more frequently when I am anxious (as now!). If your doctors have checked you over, you are fine! Lymphoma glands tend to be very very large - size of golf balls etc (but not always). If you still feel rubbish in three months time, go back to the docs.

09-01-07, 21:16
See if any of these help..

Night Sweats (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3802)
Smoking (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4627)
sweating (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7216)
night sweats (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7310)


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

09-01-07, 21:30
sure, and i remember reading at www.lymphomation.com that the lymphoma night sweats "are not confined to a particular hour of the night", although i've been looking and can't find that anywhere else.
it's hard to know whether my sweating can be considered "drenching"; my hair seemed moist and my chest was visibly wet, beads of sweat, left a mark on the bed, but sheets not soaked as far as i could tell.. very interesting, hm?
today it seemed localized on my chest/neck area, but other times around other parts, like body creases.
these last few weeks have been full of anxiety for me, never noticed night sweats before, not happy it started right when i started being paranoid about hodgkin's/lymphoma, but you have to start sometime, right?
i want chest and neck x-rays and tests!

10-01-07, 20:08
I've had all the symptoms of Lymphoma now for months, yet my Dr insists that it's anxiety ! I've had real bad night sweats the past 2 weeks or so, I'm even sleeping on my own now because of it. I phoned NHS Direct and they referred me to their own website where I found the information I didn't want to read.

My Dr has finally succumb to the idea that maybe there is something nasty going on. I wrote all the symptoms down that I was having and just thrust it in his hand. Consquently I'm now waiting for the results of further blood tests to come back. I have a real bad feeling about this, mainly cos I can't comprehend that if it isn't something nasty then how come I have felt so ill for so long with Lymphoma symptoms?

To be honest, at this moment in time I really don't care anymore cos I can't carry on in this life feeling so $hite all the time.

11-01-07, 00:23
you do have something nasty going on and it's anxiety, puts the body through hell and our minds as anxious as they are magnify and amplify that.
what do you mean you found the information you didn't want to read?
i doubt your doctor "succumbed" to your diagnosis, he probably just realized his word wasn't enough to put your mind at rest.
everyone goes through hell waiting for test results. with anxiety we can have every symptom not just of one disease but of every disease.
sorry if i'm not too helpful, obviously having a nasty time myself, but hang in there and things will work out.

11-01-07, 00:24
you do have something nasty going on and it's anxiety, puts the body through hell and our minds as anxious as they are magnify and amplify that.
what do you mean you found the information you didn't want to read?
i doubt your doctor "succumbed" to your diagnosis, he probably just realized his word wasn't enough to put your mind at rest.
everyone goes through hell waiting for test results. with anxiety we can have every symptom not just of one disease but of every disease.
sorry if i'm not too helpful, obviously having a nasty time myself, but hang in there and things will work out.

11-01-07, 21:43
You were right, infact I can't believe how you were so right and managed to sum it up in so fewer lines !
I had the results back today and all fine except they said I have "a mild cold" !!!

Dr suggested further tests as you quite rightly said, cos i wouldn't take his word for it. For the first time he actually sat and told me what exactly anxiety can do to the body and what it can mimic. He said that when he read my list of symptoms I had the symptoms of "many diseases not just one" which to him as a GP was very re-assuring (good marker for anxiety evidently?)

I guess I just couldn't accept that anxiety could do this to me. I had no idea that the condition really existed outside of Holby City.

Cheers Lewis, your post was of the greatest help to me, not just because you've gone through the similar battle but because you have said virtually word for word what my GP and other Dr's have said all along. I have spent 5 months choosing not to believe them but tonight I believe you. I'm hoping to move on from now and get my old life back together.
Tinnitus still bugs me but I can cope with that .
