View Full Version : Dont know what to do

09-01-07, 16:02
Hope this isnt in the wrong place, its a bit of everything. Iv had about 8 sessions of cbt and dont feel it is working, im getting worse if anything. Havent tried meds yet took one citalopram and had a big panic attack & it really frightened me so im too scared to take them. I forced myself to start a uni course thinking it would get easier the more i went but i started missing lectures here & there when my ibs was playing up, now i hardly go atall. went today for the first time in about 5 weeks (3 were crimbo hols) and had a panic attack when i got there, stayed till it eased & went home without going to my lecture. I just cant get my head around all this, dont know wots happened to me & just want my life back. I dont know what to do anymore. Cant see myself ever being able to do the things I used to & im terrified i will be stuck like this till i die. sorry to be so depredding just have nowhere to turn. Any advice or comments very much appreciated
Suzy xx:(

09-01-07, 18:38
Hi Suzy.

Sorry to hear you've having a bad time. Can you talk to your counsellor about how bad you are feeling? Well done for trying to get to the lecture. You sound like you stuck it out even with the panic attack. I know you went home after but at least you made it there, which is always hard when you've missed a few!

I am on seroxat. When I started it made my head feel strange, but I had taken anti-depressants for depression in the past, rather than anxiety, and knew this might happen. I managed to hold off the panic and wait for the feeling to subside. Its hard to start with when you feel so panicky any changes in your body worry you. But I stuck with it and though the dose increased a little, I am now doing well and able to tackle the panic when it starts and it no longer gets the better of me!

What does you doc/counsellor say about the meds? You must talk to them about how you felt. I speak from experience. Its not easy but they can help you find something that works! Hang in there Suzy.


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

09-01-07, 22:51
Hi Suzy,

You have got the right attitude. It will get easier as you go on. I think that Insomniac is also right about talking to your Uni counsellor. They may suggest deferring the course until next year.

I had 10 sessions of CBT myself and couldn't see the benefit at the time, but I read up about it independently and it made much more sense to me. I'll try and remember the book for you.

Trust me, I do know how difficult it is. I think that the secret is to realise that you have an illness that affects your brain and nervous system just like an infection might affect your kidneys. A doctor would suggest a three or four pronged approach involving drinking fluids (cranberry juice?), keeping your midriff covered, taking antibiotics and resting. You have to do exactly the same thing for the illness that you are suffering. No one thing will cure you 100%. The biggest thing that you need to focus on is proactively relaxing: yoga, meditation, massage....I'm also currently trying to take 30 mins exercise per day and I'm feeling some benefits straight away.

Like Claire Weekes says, you have to try to accept it and to allow time to pass. Remember nobody ever suffers like this forever.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

09-01-07, 23:07
suzy1984, sometimes your mind will fight and fight and fight to hold onto the reasons behind why it gave you anxiety and panic attacks.

That's natural, it thinks it's doing you a favour (no, don't laugh) in doing this to you!

If you can trust to the person you're working CBT with and release the necesary thoughts from the u/c mind you can have the insight to move through it.

Just a question for you (you don't need to post the reply)

Just clear your mind and relax. Ask yourself this : What am I NOT willing to give up to be happy.

Consider how the reply that your u/c mind lets you know impacts on the thing we call 'panic attack'

hope this can help, can explain more if you wish.

