View Full Version : Acid reflux.

04-01-15, 18:12
Anyone else have acid reflux? I was told before xmas this is what i have and been on 30mg of lansoprazole for 3 weeks. I still feel sick and like food is stuck in the bottom of my neck, stomach just feels odd and queasy and burping alot and also have a constant right shoulder/neck and back ache which i feel is connected.

04-01-15, 20:14
Hi I have been getting a strange feeling in my chest with aches and pains which the docs said is acid I have been given omeprazole for it not convinced its acid I keep thinking its my heart, I am burping a lot I get pains in my back as well, haven't started the omeprazole yet, do you get any chest discomfort with yours its a strange feeling tight and uncomfortable but not painful just odd not convinced its acid at all,

04-01-15, 20:20
I felt like my chest was tight and i found it hard to breathe and my gp said it all can be with acid but like you i am not convinced.

04-01-15, 20:29
Acid reflux is a really deceptive bugger. It creates a lot of fear because of several things - the breathlessness and chest tightness, the pain - often left-sided (so you think HEART) and also the pain can radiate into the shoulder and the back and even the arm, so it makes us think we are gonna have a heart attack.

We will not. It is acid pains.

I have had this several times over. I also had gastritis a couple of years ago, which creates acid and pain galore, and I have never felt pain like it. I really thought I had something very serious.

I also still get these pains periodically, just from eating a lot or too fast, or rich foods. Several things help. Not all gastric meds suit everyone, and some don't have much effect, and yet others do. I have found that Pantoprazole works well for me. I also take a liquid antacid called MAALOX which is excellent for acid pain. More effective than Gaviscon IMO. A heat pad is also helpful over the chest, to soothe the pains.:)

04-01-15, 20:31
No I am not convinced at all can't believe that acid would cause our symptoms, have you had any test done, I am going back to drs next week to see them I am sure its heart related, how long have you had your symptoms.

04-01-15, 20:31
Mines all right side Debs71 :shrug:

04-01-15, 20:34
Just posted on another thread about this and debs is so right it is really painful,ranitidine is great and you only take when you need it, years ago the Drs called it wind reond the heart so shows you why we all think its the heart.

04-01-15, 20:41
A couple of months, had all my bloods done which were fine, lungs listened to and oxygen levels were fine. But mines all right sided.

04-01-15, 20:44
Yes, acid reflux/GERD can be felt in the right side too.

toria - if you are 'not convinced' then maybe it is wise you talk again to your doctor, as I am not sure anyone answering here will convince you otherwise, or calm your fears.

04-01-15, 20:49
Mine is both sides but probably more left, if I touch my chest area it feels like even my touch is uncomfortable and tender, sounds like you have had plenty of test sometimes we have to trust the drs and if they thought it was anything else they would send you for more test I no its hard cause I never believe drs.

04-01-15, 20:51
I think if you come on this forum and ask over and over again the same questions expecting a different answer each time then at some point you have to accept yoo have anxiety and need to deal with the problem of "anxiety"!


04-01-15, 20:53
I don't know if mines 2 things going on acid and something muscular. If i roll or shrug my shoulders the whole of my right shoulder/neck/back feels tight and sore and if i do this one day then for 2-3 days after the pain is worse.

04-01-15, 21:07
Sarah has a point. You've had stomach issues since you started posting on the boards 6 years ago. Acid reflux and other stomach/digestive/bowel issues are a VERY common physical symptom and ramification of anxiety and stress.

PPIs, proper nutrition and lifestyle choices along with addressing the real illness (anxiety) is the way to approach the problem. Otherwise, I'm afraid you're just going to be suffering and dealing with these issues for some time to come.

Positive thoughts

04-01-15, 21:14
I have been eating healthy etc for the last 18 months when all this started again and i wasn't anxious!!

04-01-15, 21:15
I have reflux. It flares up a day or so after I get stressed/upset and if I eat the wrong things.
Weirdly raw apple cider vinegar (the cloudy type) works. I also use a heat pad to ease pain.
My mum and sister are both on omeprazole and finding that helps.

04-01-15, 21:18
I have ordered some raw apple cider vinegar and manuka honey yogi.

04-01-15, 21:20
It really irritates me sometimes when someone asks for help and people say why do they keep asking the same thing and why on a anxiety form well because that is the nature of anxiety and ha, it doesn't matter how many times people including drs tell us we are ok if your anxious and worried then sometimes coming on here and asking other people's advice who might have something similar is the only help they might have that makes them feel like what they have maybe is nothing serious so putting comments on like that onky makes people worse and feel bad for asking for help, yes I agree some threads are really silly and yet people still answers them but the genuine ones sometimes don't get many people replying which I can't understand, it not like me to post this but it annoys me so much, don't read threads if you think they are silly, and yes I am going back to the drs about my worry I said that in a earlier post.

04-01-15, 21:20
I have reflux. It flares up a day or so after I get stressed/upset and if I eat the wrong things.
Weirdly raw apple cider vinegar (the cloudy type) works. I also use a heat pad to ease pain.
My mum and sister are both on omeprazole and finding that helps.

Yogi, I am REALLY interested by you mentioning Apple Cider Vinegar.

I have recently started taking it daily, in water, as I heard that it aids digestion and also (weirdly) can help polycystic ovaries (which I have)

I have been having some griping pains, similar to what I had with gastritis, and I wondered if it could be related to the apple cider. I am seriously hoping not, as I have heard and read great stuff about the benefits of it.

How do you find ACV? Do you think I should persevere with it?:huh:

04-01-15, 21:22
I thought the same toria so well said, i thought that was the point of this forum.

04-01-15, 21:25
.. if your anxious and worried then sometimes coming on here and asking other people's advice who might have something similar is the only help they might have that makes them feel like what they have maybe is nothing serious

With respect though toria, I did try to reassure you that nothing serious was wrong, and that I have had similar.....but you blew it out of the water straight away.

I totally understand that this is anxiety of course...the nature of it. We all do. I think though that reassurance is a two-way street. If you are being reassured, but it isn't reassuring you, what do we do???

04-01-15, 21:28
It wasn't aimed at you, I just added the bit about going back to drs on the end thanks for your advice debs71.

04-01-15, 21:29
Not to continuously ask about the same symptoms when you have been medically examined and you won't believe what the Drs say Zippy. Use the same thread you started and continue your story by all means, but why keep re-wording threads with basically the same symptoms? Are you expecting a different answer? If so then there really is no hope of you dealing with the main issue which is you "anxiety"... and that is what this forum is for..... not a diagnostic tool....


04-01-15, 21:35
Just because i suffer health anxiety doesn't mean i can't have other things going on like acid reflux etc. I am not looking for a diagnosis at all i just thought this was a supportive forum.

04-01-15, 21:46
Debs71 I heard about apple cider vinegar from a friend who takes it daily.
There's tons of health benefits that I read about once I had bought some.. Just read it can help with GERD/reflux so I tried it.
I've been reading something about combining it with bicarbonate of soda for reflux but I'm not sure on that, will do some more research.

What I do know is that you have the get the one with 'the mother' in it as that has the probiotics etc and works much better.

Hope that helps, if you find out more than that let me know :)
Also keen to hear if Manuka honey helps..

---------- Post added at 21:46 ---------- Previous post was at 21:43 ----------

Totally not a medical page but here is some info on GERD and Apple Cider Vinegar for anyone who is interested :)


04-01-15, 21:47
Yes yogi i have ordered the braggs organic raw one with "the mother"

04-01-15, 21:48
Just because i suffer health anxiety doesn't mean i can't have other things going on like acid reflux etc. I am not looking for a diagnosis at all i just thought this was a supportive forum.


You've had stomach issue for years. Gastritis, reflux etc. The same support and advice has been given numerous times. I don't think you're not getting support. On the contrary, many have offered reassurance, support and advice given has been quite sound. I think that when you see the same subject, you have to wonder how much is taken on board and acted on.

Hope you feel better!

Positive thoughts

04-01-15, 21:54
That's the nature of HA isn't it?? I didn't say nobody hadn't been supportive over the years because they have and this site has been very helpful over that time but when you are going through a tough time you can't convince yourself that nothing else is going on.

04-01-15, 22:02
Yes yogi i have ordered the braggs organic raw one with "the mother"

That's the one. :)

04-01-15, 22:11
Yes I agree if you are having a tough time with a symptom and ha then you just want support and coming on here really helps just cause they might post a lot even though it shoudnt matter doesn't make them not grateful for the advice people are giving them and take it on board.

04-01-15, 22:16
Debs71 I heard about apple cider vinegar from a friend who takes it daily.
There's tons of health benefits that I read about once I had bought some.. Just read it can help with GERD/reflux so I tried it.
I've been reading something about combining it with bicarbonate of soda for reflux but I'm not sure on that, will do some more research.

What I do know is that you have the get the one with 'the mother' in it as that has the probiotics etc and works much better.

Hope that helps, if you find out more than that let me know :)
Also keen to hear if Manuka honey helps..

---------- Post added at 21:46 ---------- Previous post was at 21:43 ----------

Totally not a medical page but here is some info on GERD and Apple Cider Vinegar for anyone who is interested :)


Thanks a lot, Yogi. That is great info.

Yep, I did a bit of research before buying, and managed to get hold of the Bragg ACV with 'the mother' in it. I am going to keep going with it, I think.:yesyes:

California Girl
17-03-15, 16:11
Hi Zippy :) I have acid reflux too & also take Lansoporazole. The aches & pains can be a side effect from the tablets. If it doesn't settle I would go back to see your GP :)