View Full Version : anyone with gallbladder problems

04-01-15, 18:39
Has anyone suffered gallbladder problems? If so what were ur symptoms??

04-01-15, 18:49
People keep saying my symptoms are like gallbladder problems but my gp just felt in that area and said it's fine. I keep feeling sick, right shoulder/neck/back ache, feel like food stuck in the bottom of my neck, stuff coming back up if i bend over, burping and sweating but gp said acid reflux.

04-01-15, 19:08
Caught hosp superbug c diff. Ever since had stomach pain daily. Everywere. Shortness of breath. Tonight iv had a pain that wrapped around under my ribs into my back on left. Took my breath away and went as soon as it came. 15 mins later bent down n had another attack. Same feeling. Now my stomach hurts n feel gassy ecr
t. Iv had gas problems since the infection sometimes bad ones but this felt different. I wasnt sick...but feel a bit sicky now and gets random chills every now and then

04-01-15, 19:11
I felt very sick with pains on right side of tummy, doctor thought it was my appendix at first but scan showed gall stones.

04-01-15, 19:31
Was it only right side pains? Or pain and discomfort all over. Did u have it removed?

04-01-15, 20:03
Yeah I think gallbladder issues are a right sided thing. I don't remember much of mine anymore, I try not to for the sake of my mind, but I remember it being distinctive enough to have me buckled over on the bathroom floor by the toilet for a few days.

04-01-15, 20:06
yes right sided and I had it removed.

04-01-15, 20:26
Annie mines all right side but more back/shoulder ache than under my ribs thats why gp says its not gallblader even though i know i have a gallstone which i have known about for 12 yrs.

04-01-15, 22:27
My pains where all under my ribs.

04-01-15, 23:21
I was diagnosed with such issues when I first got symptoms. In hindsight it turns out it was just anxiety!

06-01-15, 22:14
Serenity this is NOT anxiety. I had raised liver enzymes a few years back but no symptoms. Had bloods recently but they said all normal. They never mentioned liver enzymes. I have pain daily....under ribs and into my back. It wraps around me. Its there constantly like a dull ache. Get burning in my upper middle chest and lower stomach. Like real bad gas but i feel its not just gas. Every now and then it will shoot round my ribs and i feel nauseas but not enough to be sick. I constantly have a hot water bottle on my back nd stomach. This has been happening for 5 months since having my daughter. My stools i think are paler too...but not drastically pail and i suffer alot of wind. The pain is everywhere not just upper does this sound like gallbladder/liver problems?

07-01-15, 04:33
Serenity this is NOT anxiety. I had raised liver enzymes a few years back but no symptoms. Had bloods recently but they said all normal. They never mentioned liver enzymes. I have pain daily....under ribs and into my back. It wraps around me. Its there constantly like a dull ache. Get burning in my upper middle chest and lower stomach. Like real bad gas but i feel its not just gas. Every now and then it will shoot round my ribs and i feel nauseas but not enough to be sick. I constantly have a hot water bottle on my back nd stomach. This has been happening for 5 months since having my daughter. My stools i think are paler too...but not drastically pail and i suffer alot of wind. The pain is everywhere not just upper does this sound like gallbladder/liver problems?

I never said it was in your case. Personally, NHS Direct sent me to hospital because they said appendicitis needed to be ruled out. Hospital kept me in overnight, the doc said gallbladder issues were more likely and I was booked in for an emergency operation overnight. Luckily the good old NHS was too disorganised and this didn't happen, and the other consultant the next day decided I should have more tests/scans first. I had them, they were clear, 14 months later I discover it was all severe cramp caused by BCFS secondary to anxiety.

Again, I am not saying this is the case with you. However a particular gallbladder disease was my working diagnosis for several months, and it turned out to be nothing more than a complication of anxiety.