View Full Version : hellllllp

04-01-15, 19:15
Here Iam again, right now i feel that anxiety has beaten me, i can't see anyway out of this, Idon't believe the dr, my mum, my husband, if that's the case how will I ever feel at ease again, I'm scared this is my life now, I'msure my meds should have kicked in by now, someone please help xxx

04-01-15, 19:23
wish i could suggest something but if you have just started medication then i can only tell you that the transition into a chemical lobotomy is not a very pleasant ride.

you will get use to them and forget the effects of them and you will function as a normal contributor to society.

what is making you so anxious right now?

04-01-15, 19:29
I'mconvinced iI have bc, been to drs who checked said all was normal, but can't get it out of head, worried about slight difference in firmness of boobs right one smaller and slightly firmer, I am right handed though, spoke to nurse at NHS direct she said that's normal, got my mum to check and husband both say they feel no different, just can't shake the fear, have been taking prozac regular for 3 weeks,2 weeks 40 mg thanx xxx

04-01-15, 19:37
I'mconvinced iI have bc, been to drs who checked said all was normal, but can't get it out of head, worried about slight difference in firmness of boobs right one smaller and slightly firmer, I am right handed though, spoke to nurse at NHS direct she said that's normal, got my mum to check and husband both say they feel no different, just can't shake the fear, have been taking prozac regular for 3 weeks,2 weeks 40 mg thanx xxx

So what could anyone say at this point? I would bet that a week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks from now you still won't have BC but hopefully in a few weeks you're thinking will be more rational.

Positive thoughts

04-01-15, 19:40
Seriously Courrierdude?? is there really any need? as we have said time and again to you it is personal choice to take meds or not and you can not condemn people for taking them.

Do not vilify and scare people on every post you write about taking medication, that is really not the aim of the forum but is something you have suceeded in doing many times in the last couple of days.

you are entitled to your opinion, but you are taking it too far.

04-01-15, 19:41
I hope so fishmanpa, don't know how to think rational again, not sure if the meds are making me more anxious at the moment xxx

04-01-15, 19:43
if you dont know whether you have a cancer in your brain or not then you have to assume that you havnt-until you know any different. i wouldnt advise researching the subject yourself unless you have the appropriate equipment to carry out proper testing.
im guessing that you have no real reason to suspect to have brain cancer except that you imagine you might have, but actually you could have imagined you had some other illness so i suggest that you imagine that you have a sore thumb and try and work out why you havnt : )

regarding your breasts, no one is symmetrical. are your feet exactly the same size.

first you are not born with any exactness of symmetry and then you have a life time of using one side of your body different from the other. one side is more controlled or stronger for example, as is the case with our eyes.

cant comment on the drugs to be honest because im not a fan of them. they take time to do what they are supposed to so youre probably going to have to ride it out until you arrive at some semblance of stability.

try to remember that is only fear that you feel. it isnt real, it is just the fear of something.

04-01-15, 19:48
Not brain cancer breast cancer sorry xx

04-01-15, 19:49
venus-who have i condemned for taking a drugs?

it makes no difference to my day if someone is taking meds or not. it is not my business.

sorry chemical lobotomy wasnt very funny but people know what they are getting into and they dont care how it leaves them as long as it takes the fear or pain away.

chemical alteration might be more acceptable a definition.

should i just not talk to people who are taking drugs then? what are the percentages? 70%?

you have deviated this thread into an issue about me when you could have inboxed me instead.

04-01-15, 19:57
I'mconvinced iI have bc, been to drs who checked said all was normal, but can't get it out of head, worried about slight difference in firmness of boobs right one smaller and slightly firmer, I am right handed though, spoke to nurse at NHS direct she said that's normal, got my mum to check and husband both say they feel no different, just can't shake the fear, have been taking prozac regular for 3 weeks,2 weeks 40 mg thanx xxx

Anxiety is driving this fear. Nothing more. Certainly nothing real or tangible as you have been checked out, and a medical professional is not worried or concerned. If they have any doubts at all, they don't mess arond, certainly not with breast concerns.

A couple of years ago, I found a lump in my breast (or so I thought) Upon seeing my doctor. she said she couldn't feel anything, but she could feel a large lump in the other breast. I was referred within 2 weeks as an urgent case, and boy was I freaked out for that fact alone. It turned out I have multiple, benign microcysts running through my breasts. They were not worried.

Boobs are lumpy by nature. Many women have lumpy, fibrocystic breasts...nothing worrying. Boobs that get hard, lumpy, sore and tender (before periods normally, or at any point in your cycle actually, depending on the wonderful female hormones we have :mad:)

That being said, this points to only one culprit that is giving you cause to worry = anxiety. When it gets a hold, it is hard to shake, but certainly NOT IMPOSSIBLE to break free from, whatever way or means you choose to use. Yes, there is the medicinal, and depending on how long you have been taking meds, they will help you with taking the edge of the worst anxiety symptoms and feeling. There is also therapeutic help - I get the impression that talking therapy would be very beneficial for you. Also though, anxiety takes a lot of self-help and blopdy mindedness to not allow it to get a hold of you until you work yourself into a panic. There are ways to do this, but it takes time and pratice to find what helps you peronally. I feel perhaps that Prozac is maybe not right for you. I know someone with anxiety and panic who felt no better whasoever - in fact, worse - on Prozac, but changed meds and was a different person. That was just his experience, I know, but it does illustrate that not all meds are right for the individual person.

When I feel edgy, and when I feel that I am working myself into a worrisome tizz about ailments or pains, etc. I use distraction in any way, shape or form. Get out, go shopping, go for a jog/long walk, surround yourself by encouraging friends and family. It sounds stupid, but it helps greatly. You need to remove your mind from the anxiety focus 24/7. It is hard, but not unachievable. It is about training your brain to overrride the anxious thoughts.

Do not tell yourself this is it for you now. It isn't. xx:hugs:

04-01-15, 20:01
3 weeks probably isn't enough time to know whether or not they're working. Take care of yourself. I used to have a very anti medication attitude but honestly after finally finding the right ones, I'm thankful for them and know I won't be on them forever. Sometimes your brain needs extra help to weather the storm, the human condition is its own problem.

04-01-15, 20:04
Just FYI Herbie... My sister has been taking Prozac for several years for anxiety and my daughter, after some trial and error is on a low dose SSRI and in therapy and both are doing great! It's a step by step, day by day journey but there's light at the end of the tunnel.

Positive thooughts

04-01-15, 21:12
In my experience 3 weeks into taking Prozac my
Anxiety was through the roof. It's part of the side effects for some people unfortunately that you feel worse before feeling better.

I'm sure that if you keep that in mind and keep going you will come out of the other side of this period of full on anxiety and start to worry less about this.
It definitely helped me to remember that I was feeling so bad because of the side effects not having settled yet.
I didn't stick it out for many reasons but I know that everyone who does finds that it eases after the first few weeks.

Sending a hug x

04-01-15, 22:24
Did you read the "get a plan" thread Herbie?

04-01-15, 22:26
Yes luc,thank you xxx