View Full Version : Constant Panic Attacks

04-01-15, 20:47
I was diagnosed with a GAD in October 2012. Between that time and September of 2014, I had had roughly five serious panic attacks, one of which required emergency medical help. But they've all been roughly four to five months apart at a time. Since October, 2014, my panic attacks became closer together, they became longer, and became worse. Admittedly, I was undergoing serious amounts of stress and pressure at that time, but the issues were shortly resolved. The only problem is that they're getting worse, and they're becoming a lot more frequent. During November through to December, I had roughly nine in-depth panic attacks, which caused me repetitive heart palpitations, shortness of breath, stunted digestion, migraines and painful stomach cramps during menstruation. All normal symptoms with me, but I'm worried about the affect it's having on my health, which hasn't necessarily helped my condition!
I don't know what's causing them, I don't know how to deal with them when they're this frequent, and I could do with some suggestions as to what I should do next. I realise that meeting with my GP is probably the best plan of action, especially since it's becoming debilitating. But I could do with some input, perhaps from someone who's experienced similar things?

Much thanks.

04-01-15, 20:56
first thing to do is look after your health in general.
no point asking for help if you are still chugging 20 red bulls a day for example : /
sleeping properly etc doing everything relatively normal apart from the attacks?

do you have any recognisable triggers? things that bring panic attacks on?

the physical effects of panic attacks dont cause you the physical harm that you feel they might be doing. same as a headache doesnt damage part of your brain.

i always think that people have panic attacks are living with the fear of something or that they have loss of control over a situation? do you know why you are having them or any ideas?

04-01-15, 22:34
first thing to do is look after your health in general.
no point asking for help if you are still chugging 20 red bulls a day for example : /

I looked at this and had to go back up and see the OP's post and find where they said they chugged 20 red bulls a day. What an exaggerated and ridiculous example to give...



Unfortunately people who suffer with anxiety have many triggers.

And sadly, even recognizing some of the triggers does not mean you can prevent them, ie. having to go out to do your groceries, having to take a shower, having to step into work, having to engage into a conversation, having to step out of bed at all -- and I don't think this has anything to do with loss of control or fear, seeing as for the majority of people that suffer from anxiety, one day they are fine and the other they aren't.

You really need to consult with someone as fast as possible, before the situation gets worse. They will give you a reference to see a specialist. I have several friends who are doing cognitive therapy and said it worked wonders. There is also meditation -- you can download a relaxing audio file on your phone and listen to it as you relax and calm down. You need to take breaks from the stressful situations you are in. Also, cardio really helps a lot, as well.

Panic attacks can be very damaging to your health in general. I used to be in such a bad shape physically because of all the stress I was in. I was sick all the time.

You are not alone, and you shouldn't go through this alone, either.

04-01-15, 23:12
20 red bulls a day is a light hearted way of asking if the OP was eating ok!

not everyone considers their dietary effect on their mental health, being a vegetarian i know to pay particular attention so i often ask as a first point of call.

not everybody who goes into the doctor mentions drinking 2 litres of coke a day right?

you seriously are just looking for trouble no?

please-get off my back genius. dont feel so obliged to be checking up on me-you are not the police even you act like one.

lots of people drink diet coke or coke or soft drinks or some other food that can be bad for their health and id rather not go down the entire list of foods that might have an accumulative ill effect on someone.

i think you need to get some help from the sense of humour transplant forum honeyflake

the first thing a doctor will tell anyone is that panic attacks will not cause you any harm.