View Full Version : Little bother... Don't want it to turn big

04-01-15, 21:36
So I've had an alright day with my health anxiety really YAY

But just come to bed with a big cup of tea and started to watch a film then lay down to watch the film, about 5 mins after lying down I got a stabby pain in my neck on the left to my spine and I was like ouch that was sore, so I pressed and it hurt again, the pains not there now but I have a pain or somethig in my left ear,

Could it hae been a bloot clot, aneurysm, something serious??? I feel all edgy now but don't want it to ruin y good day, y face also went sort of numb a it happened too

04-01-15, 21:47
assume that is something much more trivial : )

pinched nerve, muscle tension etc

04-01-15, 21:48
Thank you for the quick reply ☺️

So you don't think it's something I need to be worried about then??

04-01-15, 21:50
Bingjam - you have done well today. So why not try answering that question yourself and enjoy the film :)

04-01-15, 21:53
I tried before I wrote on here but loads of bad things come into my head too,

Now my head and face all feels weird too

Sorry if it sounds silly, just worried it's something g bad

04-01-15, 21:59
Well no one on here can definitively tell you one way or another. But on the balance of likelihood given how many 'bad' things you have had in recent months that haven't happened - why would this be any different?

04-01-15, 22:29
The area feels warm now

04-01-15, 22:58
You're hyper-focusing and letting the dragon breathe fire down your neck Bing...

Positive thoughts

05-01-15, 04:56
The area likely feels warm because you are focusing it on it ... It's the hyper sensitive thing that we suffer from coming into play I should imagine x

05-01-15, 06:43
Well I'm still here which is a good thing right??

Woke up with a groggy head though ��

And when I woke up I woke up clenching my jaw to the right, so I've just realised why my jaw and teeth sometimes hurt when I wake up now too

The neck thing from last night I guess was another silly thing to be worried about again.

Thanks Again for all your replys

05-01-15, 07:07
I had a spell on jaw clenching/grinding in my sleep which had been going on for months stop I asked my dentist at my normal check up. He could see evidence of grinding and my muscles were slightly enlarged so gave me an exercise to do before sleep to relax the muscles:

1) Open mouth wide.
2) Touch roof of mouth with tongue.
3) Repeat.

It did help. It didn't get rid of it though and it went after 6 months with relaxation techniques for the anxiety and taking paracetamol before bedtime.

If did give me right sided tooth ache, jaw ache, headaches, pains up to the temple (when you clench the muscles in that area also clench), etc. So, if you have any of that, don't worry and try this exercise.

05-01-15, 13:52
Ok, so I'm over the pain in my neck from last night, but all day I've had such a horrible weird headache that I can't shift, it's sharp, heavy etc.... Could it have something to do with the pain in my neck last night??

I hope this doesn't make me sound crazy 🙈

05-01-15, 15:52
It could equally or perhaps even more likely be due to stress, tension and lack of sleep :)

05-01-15, 22:57
Remember you now know about the clenching. That used to give me daily headaches shop it could be that.