View Full Version : Eyes - convinced im going blind!

04-01-15, 21:45
Does anybody suffer with blurry vision with anxiety? I get an insane amount of floaters (very irritating), but also a few sparks every now and then and sometimes I feel like my vision is going really blurry.

I've had this for quite some time now but sometimes text goes blurry and I have to blink a few times to clear it. I last had my eyes checked in August including an optometrist looking in the back of my eye and they said all healthy but ive convinced myself I have early macular degeneration :-(

Ironically I'm training to be a nurse & it has actually helped my health anxiety immensely, I was worried it would make it worse but it seems to take the mystery out of illnesses! Unfortunately I still succumb to the odd bit of health anxiety, it normally comes on after a few days of feeling anxious.

I used to have severe MS fears too which is what bought me here. I had an mri and lots of tests and that fear has gone, thankfully. I still get a lot of peculiar systems but because I'm learning about it all it has really helped!

Can anyone shed any light on my eye fears please?

04-01-15, 22:01
Maybe a visit for a full eye check up at the opticians would help.Anxiety does cause blurry vision im sure your not going blind

04-01-15, 22:36
Thanks...it comes on more in the evenings so must be something to do with tired eyes!

04-01-15, 22:48
I was going to suggest the same. Either first in the morning or evening could be tired eyes.

If the blurry vision corrects itself, that is a sign it isn't a deteriorating condition.

Do you spend a lot of time looking at a smartphone or computer?

04-01-15, 22:56
Mine go blurry too sometimes. I had a full eye exam which was fine except I've had to give in to reading glasses :cool:!


05-01-15, 21:30
Thank you.
Yes I use a phone a lot, and a computer. The blurriness goes and comes back and definitely normally worse at night than day time. I might pop to the opticians to check but in August I had a very thorough eye exam as I was looking into laser surgery and they do a big check, including retina photos and scanning and he said I had very healthy eyes. Health anxiety is horrible! X