View Full Version : Struggling, i knew it wouldn't be easy

04-01-15, 22:50
I know this isn't going to be easy. I went off of those meds that gave me such bad side effects I was not even functioning. Haven't had a full blown panic attack, but feel panicky. Like I can't get a full breath, tingly, feeeling like somethings not right, and my stomach is acting up, which makes me anxious in itself. *sigh*

05-01-15, 02:10
What meds were you on?

I was prescribed Cymbalta a couple of days ago...I've never been on meds for this before. I've had two doses and on both days had diarrhoea, nausea which made me feel disgusting, dizziness or weirdness in head, hot n cold spells and jittery/shaky.

Today I've decided not to take it and just see how I go cos I feel like I'm more accepting of this being anxiety...but I was just watching telly and suddenly felt like I was boiling hot, shaky and not dizzy but maybe lightheaded...I don't know if this is panic attack symptoms or not.

Totally know how you feel more anxious, just be strong and try push thru it. Tell yourself you will be ok, cos you will. Wishing you all the best.

05-01-15, 04:10
I was on citalopram 10mg. Made me more anxious, insomnia but so tired, shaky, sweats. They felt worse than my panic attacks. Well maybe not my worse panic attack, but I'd rather fight through the panic than feel the way I did. They didn't inform me that these could be side effects either (my GP). And didn't get better after 2+ weeks. I used Cymbalta once before for depression, some minor side effects for a few days and that was it.

I wish you well, and you'll get through this too.

05-01-15, 04:36
Maybe they weren't the right ones for you. My doctor says 10mg is almost like a placebo, it's not a therapeutic dose and the aim is 20mg. At 10mg, it's your body fighting it, and anxiety is the no. 1 side effect of Celexa. I told him at some point, "it feels like it's worse than the anxiety I had before" and he said ya, exactly. Which is also what alot of other people said. It stopped for me, and I'd hope the same for you. Don't give up, don't get discouraged, if this med wasn't the right one for you, something else will work and if medication in general is not the solution for you, there are alternatives.

And we're here to talk ! :)

05-01-15, 05:30
There are a lot of natural medicines out there that work well. I like L-theanine, it works well for me. just suggestion you google some natural anxiety medicines and see what you find. They can be a bit pricey but they don't have the terrible side effects

06-01-15, 04:32
How are you going JustBeMe? I do hope things have improved for you today.
I'm on my second day of deciding not to take the Cymbalta (after two days taking it) and I must say at the moment I'm feeling less jittery, nauseas, headachey etc...but I think starting to accept this is anxiety was the big factor for me. Which I think I've started.
I am disregarding my negative thought pattern and just trying to get on with it. I'm still getting aches and pains in my chest area but thinking they're muscular and trying to stop thinking the bad irrational thoughts that I was so focused on before cos I know my results have been fine from a number of a variety of tests.

I am heading the the chemist/health food store today for something called 'rescue remedy' which is a natural product that has been recommended to me to help keep calm and levelheaded in situations where you find yourself, stressed, tense, panicked etc...hoping that will help keep calm at times where I feel a little on edge. It may be called different where you are but maybe be something that could help you also.

Hope you are well

11-01-15, 19:30
10mg of cit worked for me like magic! Remember what doesn't work for you does not mean it doesn't work end of !