View Full Version : Almost choked

05-01-15, 01:19
I was eating dinner and whatever I had ate was stuck in my throat for what seemed like 30 seconds. I coughed too much after and now my chest hurts. Plus I can't stop feeling like something is still stuck there. I keep wanting to swallow and can't stop thinking about it.
I was diagnosed with GERD so I guess that helps but I don't know what to do because I'm wondering if I'll be able to eat normally tomorrow as when I tried to eat the rest of the dinner it made me feel worse. Plus I don't know if it helps but I've been thinking about the d word a lot lately...idk if it's bc of my time of the month or what.
I know I'm very in tune with my senses (my only bad sense is my sight) so in this way it's a curse as I guess it makes slight discomfort seems like big ones. I feel like crying all night. Even though I've had GERD for months now, I've never actually got something stuck in my throat and then had to experience chest pain after.

I don't have health insurance right now so that just makes everything worse.

05-01-15, 01:24
if you had something stuck in your throat you wouldnt be able to swallow anything past it so your throat must be clear.

also, if you have had something pass tightly through and you have scratched inside your throat, it is going to feel pretty much exactly like the thing that caused it is still there. it will be long gone but it'll still feel like it is there.

had it happen loads-still here to tell the tale : )

05-01-15, 01:52
if you had something stuck in your throat you wouldnt be able to swallow anything past it so your throat must be clear.

also, if you have had something pass tightly through and you have scratched inside your throat, it is going to feel pretty much exactly like the thing that caused it is still there. it will be long gone but it'll still feel like it is there.

had it happen loads-still here to tell the tale : )

I guess that makes sense that I wouldn't be able to swallow if so. I just wish I knew how to get rid of the feeling. I've tried drinking a lot of water and I've also tried not thinking about it but I keep dwelling on it.