View Full Version : Waking up scared

05-01-15, 05:28
Sometimes during the night I wake up in a jolt. The tiniest noise scares me and I wake up with my heart pounding. Even the most common noises in the house, toys, cats playing or jumpin g on the bed. in my teen years i used to be able to sleep through a marching band. But since i became a mom a needle falling wakes me up. does this happen to anyone else? It scares me that im scared in my sleep!

07-01-15, 04:26

07-01-15, 04:46
Hi Miss

I wake up in a panic too if I've had a bad dream. Even if it's not a nightmare for some reason my heart is acting up and I can't breathe properly. I too used to sleep through a storm and would take a lot to wake me. My problem is not children, don't really know what it is but I get up and walk around a soon as I wake up in a panic, by the time I've got back into bed after having some milk, I feel ok again, but it could happen again! This has only happened since I gave up smoking!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad:


11-01-15, 11:51
Hiya, yes had that last few mornings. Did a little research and discovered cortisol levels the stress hormones are at there highest first thing in morning so bear that in mind, vitamin c suppose to help with this. Also remember your not in a great place at the minute and it's no wonder you feel bad, it goes away as you learn to relax again x

11-01-15, 17:25
I always get this. It's horrible as I dread sleeping because I know I feel shocked in the morning when I wake up. I think this is one of those things that just takes time to heal x

12-01-15, 18:29
I always wake up and immediately start sweating profusely and panic, then I cannot relax or go back to sleep, did not know about raised cortisol levels though, so that may explain things. I hate being anxious and scared.

30-03-15, 09:51
I always wake up and immediately start sweating profusely and panic, then I cannot relax or go back to sleep, did not know about raised cortisol levels though, so that may explain things. I hate being anxious and scared.

I'm the same, as soon as I open my eyes I get the anxious feeling. I cannot wait for the day that I wake up and it's disappeared!!