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View Full Version : Anxity symptoms or not????? Please help!

05-01-15, 08:33
I've done that dreaded thing and been in to Mr Google (why do I do it to myself :-)) off to the drs this morning I trott. Last night I decided not to do it and woken this morning and done exact opposite. My biggest fear is these blooming eptopic beats, had a few last night which gets me worked up along with another long list of symptoms as below:

Ear ringing, left hand tingling, left arm weakness (started after giving birth) left elbow crawling, pain in head, back of neck, spine, pain behind left eye, eptopic beats, dizziness, buzzing in legs and arms, twitching. Swollen hot palms, black dots in vision, cold feet (circulation????). Can feel heart beating in head, nose and ear pressure. My question is, does anyone else suffer with any of the above, can this really just be stress and anxiety or more like a blood related, artery diss order? Beta blockers help with head pain (10mg). I've had 24hr heart monitor which showed nothing, many ECG's which showed nothing and a basic heart scan.... Would this show any abnormalities with arteries???? My blood pressure is slightly on the high side but cholesterol was normal.

I would love some input please, I am diving myself crazy with worry :-(

---------- Post added at 08:33 ---------- Previous post was at 08:30 ----------

Forgot to mention, dizziness is constant and more of a rocking vertigo rather than floor spinning had all of this for approx 6mths

05-01-15, 08:39
How long ago did you give birth?

05-01-15, 08:41
3 years ago!

05-01-15, 08:45
How much do you focus on your symptoms?

If you distract yourself are you able to ignore them? Or are they pretty strong?

The tests you've had would most definitely find a heart issue. You can rest assured on that front you've had the right tests to rule out a serious condition :)

A lot of those other symptoms can be very much associated with anxiety. Do you try any relaxation or guided meditation at all?

05-01-15, 09:04
I must say, I do focus on symptoms ALOT.

I am currently looking into CBT and thinking about Hypnotherapy... I think I am beginning to realise this could actually be Health anxiety although 99% of me still thinks it's heart related! Thank you for taking the time to reply to me xxx

05-01-15, 10:05
That's ok. I've done hypnotherapy and it worked for me until recently - and even now it isn't anywhere near as bad as it was before having the hypnotherapy.

I am starting CBT on Thursday :)

Check out the Center for Clinical Interventions and have a look at their full CBT resources. It's free and a FANTASTIC start to gain some perspective

05-01-15, 10:49
I have had alot of these...i get the swaying for defo the funny beats...ringing in ears...black spots in vision i hope isnt high bp....tingling all over mainly face n hands. Pain in eyes which is probably tiredness and forever googlin lol the muscles can be gettin tight causin pain n blurred vision...head... neck pain which is probably us tensing. Cold hands and feet....twitchin in limbs...knee...eyes and face. These are just some i hsve experienced with anxiety.
Now the beats i have had these for years 1st i felt them in my pulse as extrabeats sometimes i would get like a flutter...elevator feeling and now like a squeezin all of which is stress related because they thrive on adrenaline...for me also acid n stomach issues trigger mine...the ones i feel in my throat too which is possible esophagus spasms. the vagus nerve as a lot to answer for.
Now with the beats if you have had test they are benign and are something u have to try and get used to which i tell u is not easy. See them as your heart wanting to beat...your heart as thousands of cells all of which are capable of producing a heart beat but you have the main pacemaker...which does this mainly but sometimes when you heart is beatin normal and filling with blood another cell decides he wants in on the action and produces a beat which interrupts your natural beat...now the symptom you feel if any...wether it be skip..pauses...it takes your breath...sqeezing..fluttering all depends on where abouts the naught beat interrupts your normal beat and how much your heart is already filled with blood...i suppose if it as enough blood althen you wont feel it as much but if its not had time to fill with blood then u will possible feel it more...sometimes you can get so many together and they can cause u to need to cough and feel lightheaded but you may not experience all the symptoms. I really hope this makes sense lol once i found out more about why its happening then it helped me...i still worry but not as much its the pausing that freaks me but have to tell myself it benign like the cardio as told me numerous times x

05-01-15, 15:51
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, I cannot tell how good it feels to know there are others experiencing the same symptoms and that it actually gets easier, I really want some normality back in my life. The constant thinking, fearing, Googling cycle is just exhausting! The eptopic beats are just horrid, I had a really bad case of them back in July, I think I was dehydrated and stressed that day so that probably didn't help, but that's what really got me started on this downward spiral. When I think about it, it's been going on years but gotten particularly worse after having my daughter, managed to give myself a nosebleed when her temp went up to 37 degrees... I can laugh now but at the time I was terrified.

I am defo going to look into CBT (have found some info on the NHS page) and thinking Hypnosis is a must... Just want to enjoy my little girl (she's nearly 3 and just wonderful!), she took 7 years to conceive so I do think that has something to do with my health anxiety with her :-(

Thank you again for taking the time to reply and best wishes to you all on this crazy journey to recovery :-) xxxxx

---------- Post added at 15:51 ---------- Previous post was at 15:48 ----------

Forgot to mention... Blood pressure was checked today and perfectly normal (re black spots) xxx

05-01-15, 19:59
Your welcome i kno how hard this is with the constant worry :(( dehydration is also 100% another trigger. Have you had your magnesium and potassium checked? Sometimes this can cause funny beats. Its worth gettin it checked just to rule it out :) i feel for you with your lil one i kno how it takes your life away its awful. There are so many people that have this and dont feel it...ive been to doctors before who have had it too so its more common than u think...some peope have 10 thousands a day and feel nearly all of them. There is a post on the top of main page about these beats have a look its very reassuring.

I wish you all the best. Dont let them beat you...x