View Full Version : trapped nerve in neck/shoulder

05-01-15, 17:37
Had an achey arm for a few months especially when I move in a certain way but last couple of weeks my neck has been cracking & my right arm keeps tingling & going numb & sharp pains down it. My shoulder is also very sore &my chest & the pain is going into my right breast. The doctor says it's a trapped nerve but of course I can't help but panic. Anyone else had similar?

05-01-15, 17:42
I have the same at the moment and going to visit my Physiotherapist tomorrow to try to get it sorted.

05-01-15, 17:45
Hi, me too !! exactly the same, I had this all over Christmas, it was horrible. I used Voltarol on my neck and shoulder area and that helped a little. It is not fully resolved but has got a little better. I found that trying to relax a bit and not worry has eased it too xx Hope you feel better. :)

05-01-15, 17:53
Thanks for replies. Makes me feel better :)
Can the pain be sort of a burning sensation in your chest & shoulder? It is very sore today :( going for physio but not for a month.

---------- Post added at 17:53 ---------- Previous post was at 17:51 ----------

& does the pain sometimes go into your breast? This is really stressing me out lol

05-01-15, 18:27
Hi pinky

I have had a trapped nerve in my neck and shoulder for 18 months and I had acupuncture, physiotherapy I have seen a chiropractor. You name it I have done it and it's time that seems to have helped the most. It's incredible how much pain can come from a trapped nerve. Don't worry it will sort itself you do have to relax or it won't get better.

05-01-15, 18:40
I'm glad it isn't just me that has it but I'm not glad you're all suffering too iyswim :( hopefully we will all feel better soon, it is so painful!

05-01-15, 18:45
I am having these issues also. My right shoulder/neck/back hasn't felt been right for months and my gp said it sounded muscular. My pain sometimes feels in my right breast and above in my chest. If i do shoulder rolls/shrugs my right side aches worse for days. I have saw an osteopath but it hasn't helped and i am seeing a chiropractor on Wednesday to see if he can feel anything.

05-01-15, 19:03
Just joined today, but I can relate to this. I use a wheat bag or 3 to ease the pain, and have a mckenzie roll for sleeping (ebay). Also started yoga last August which is very helpful.. I know its hard to join something like this, but my group are all lovely people, my teacher says all 'yogi's are nice:)

05-01-15, 20:04
That's a good idea i will see if there is any groups around i have more spare time now my little one goes to nursery. Sleeping is becoming a real problem, have to sleep with my arm straight :-s

05-01-15, 20:36
I had this for a few months too. I was convinced it was a trapped nerve and terrified it'd never go away but when my worry was rerouted from me to my mum after she broke her ankle, it went. Still so strange because it was constant. I still get a slight stiffness in my neck/it cracks and my shoulder sometimes aches but just posting to let you know that it can absolutely go. :hugs:

I also accustomed myself to lying with my pillow sort of between my neck and shoulder and I think that eventually helped as well.

06-01-15, 14:58
Thanks for the replies i appreciate it.

The pain in my shoulder, chest & pain going into my breast is driving me mad today :( & sleeping was a nightmare cos my hand kept going numb & pain in my elbow. I'm hoping with time & a bit of physio it will go. If only i could get the worry that it might be more than a pinched nerve out of my head

06-01-15, 21:59
I saw my physio today and he said that my pains are so bad because the muscle is so tense and swollen that it has lifted my top rib up! Hopefully it will improve soon.

06-01-15, 22:23
Oh my goodness! You must be in pain :( hopefully it will get better very soon for you x

I have taken some paracetamol & had a hot shower & gone to bed, my back is very achey today.

06-01-15, 23:12
If only we could learn to relax...I am sure we would be pain free :)

07-01-15, 14:09
You're absolutely right!

15-11-15, 09:55
Did you ever get this sorted? I'm dealing with this too.