View Full Version : First time reaching out for help, Trevor

05-01-15, 19:03
Hey guys and girls,

My name is Trevor and over the last 5 weeks my life has changed for the absolute worst. It all started with some trouble breathing on a bus, which then lasted a couple of days here and there followed by my first ever panic attack ( at the time i thought it was a heart attack and was tested for my heart which came back negative ) I am a 24 year old male i should say and healthy ( weight wize and diet size ). I have been suffering symptoms like you wouldn't believe from upper back pressure to trouble breathing to brain zaps to weakness and tingling in my left arm to weak legs, confusion, poor eye sight the list goes on and on. I keep going to the ER and they keep telling me I'm fine. I don't feel fine :( its starting to take a tole on my love life and my family. I am constanltly looking up my symptoms and self diagnosing myself with something. My doctor prescribed me proxy 10 mg but i haven't filled the prescription because i don't feel as if these symptoms can be caused by anxiety! i NEED some help from you guys, what tests should i get or have you gotten that can rule out things. I am so scared and don't know what to do anymore. I have troubles doing anything and everything i feel in my body makes me think the worst. I am constantly thinking about it, the best time for me is sleep because i can dream and forget about it all. It is so bad that when i wake up i find it hard to breath and have pressure on my back, today i am having bad brain zaps but only on the right temple area of my head. I don't know what to do please respond and let me know what you think or give me some advice on what tests i should get done or even tell me I'm being crazy. I need help ! :(

05-01-15, 19:06
Hi Trevor
I just joined too. Sorry but I am in the UK so cannot help with health advice for your country, but maybe if you were prescribed the meds it cant hurt to try? does sound like anxiety to me.

Just wanted to say 'hi' and hope you can find the help you need.

05-01-15, 19:09
Hiya trevor99 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

05-01-15, 19:14
You beat me to it Venus! I was just going to recommend the same :)

Welcome, Trevor :welcome:

Have a look at the information and find your way around the forum. You will receive a lot of support and information here.

Take care :hugs:

05-01-15, 19:23
thanks ruby i appreciate it, this is a really rough time for me. I was so healthy and happy and outgoing and now I'm secluded, feeling crappy and lost. I hope this all gets better but as of late its just one symptom after another, dizziness, poor balance and confusion. I just have to believe that there is something that is causing this and not just "anxiety" maybe a low vitamin count or something......grrr.....anyways the doctors are so fed up with me that they pretty much have kicked me out of the emergency room. Here is what i have done so far:

numerous egg's one came back bad but it was when i was having my panic attack so the cardiologist said it didn't bother him

stress test

mri ( done last year and came back negative but feel i should get a new one cause I'm getting more brain zaps )

blood work done

05-01-15, 19:54
I just posted a post outlining all the horrible symptoms I have suffered over the past month due to a bad bout of anxiety. Please look at it. I have been in hospital and been thoroughly checked out, I'm healthy, confirmed by numerous doctors.

I hope it makes you feel better. http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=164312

I did leave out jaw clenching and bad tension headaches as they've sort of gone off now, but them too.

05-01-15, 21:30
Hi Trevor :) I'm new here too (Just joined today) but I'm definitely not new to panic and anxiety issues - been having them for over a year now. At first it is easy to think that it must be some sort of horrible illness like heart problems, but remember that anxiety is still a serious illness - just a mental one. Anxiety can have horrible physical effects that make you feel like youre going to drop dead, but eventually you learn to manage these things and predict what will set them off - I'd say give the medication a try, at least that way if it doesnt work you know that it might be something else :)

05-01-15, 21:59
Hey thanks for the reply! I know Im just so hesitant to try the meds, there are so many symptoms from them like low sex drive but I guess if that's thee only symptom I get and all my other crap goes away it will be worth it. I guess im just in denial not because im to proud to say I have aanxiety but just because I find it so hard to believe that you can have such insanely physical symptoms from a mental health issue, its almost like I don't believe in it.

07-01-15, 00:18
Hello! I'm also new here & new to a diagnosis of anxiety for symptoms I'm sure were life threatening. I've had numerous labs & MRI's & CT's with Drs & specialists. I didn't want to believe these things just happen overnight either. I'm a Google addict with the symptoms & convince myself I have numerous diseases....I was prescribed Ativan & I did take it for a couple weeks & then decided I did not want to rely on medication to live my life. It did help with the lightheadedness & tingling but I wanted to try & do more natural approach. I get monthly massages & when I feel "off" I concentrate on my breathing & try to relax. Do anything to take my mind off of it...walk the dog, take a bath/shower, call a friend, etc...
Good luck to you Trevor & know there are people here willing to listen & help in amy way they can!