View Full Version : 21 year old male worried about ms

05-01-15, 19:29
Electric shock feeling running across chest from under arm to center of peck. Mostly on my right side but on both sides sometimes too. Also get this pain in the left lower rib cage. Happens most when I cough laugh or yell or do something that puts strain on my diaphragm. This happens almost everyday but is worst when I'm dehydrated or hung over. The feeling is a second and goes away does not hurt just really annoying. I can make them come on if I put stain on my upper body such as when push really hard to make your face turn read, that when I will feel the shock or popping.

I have really bad anxiety and this is freaking me out. Past doctors have told me this is muscle inflation but for some reason I do not believe this. I have had these symptoms for around 2-3 years. They do not hurt I'm just sick of them now. I have also post in MS feeds and some say it my be a vitamin thing such as a lack of b12

Thank you and please help me feel better! and let me know what you think it is and how I can help it

06-01-15, 19:13
hey dude! I just wanted to let you know that your not alone, i swore i had ms for a little bit because my aunt has it and i have been feeling weak, fatigued and get pins and needles. i would say your best bet would be to invetstigate ( i know a lot of people on here won't like that answer ) And i say this because MS is very scary and a lot of symptoms do resemble those of MS. Chances are extremely high that you don't have it! But here is what you should do, first go get an eye exam and ask the optometrist if she sees anything wrong with your eyes in regards to ms, often this is the first place where ms can be found. Second i would ask your doctor to go see a neurologist, he will do some tests with you and if you really want maybe push him towards giving you a spinal MRI or a brain MRI and that will give you a for sure answer! Another test that can be done for this is a spinal tap, which i have had done and isn't fun but hey i now know i don't have ms and I'm not worried!