View Full Version : Brain tumor help!!!

05-01-15, 20:40
Hi I've posted here before. I'm a 16 yr old girl and for the past 4 yrs I've had an excessively watery eye on one side only and 2 months ago I've had eye twitches as well. I just had an eye dr appt and she said it was probably a blocked tear duct. I looked it up and found out that the only causes of a blocked tear duct are injury, inflammation or brain tumor. The eye dr said I have no inflammation or injury so that leaves a brain tumor. I'm freaking out I'm so scared. My dad said he would take me to the neurologist but we probably won't get an appt until a while. I do t think I can wait I'm so scared. If I go in to the ER today, would they give me an mri?

graeme joy
06-01-15, 03:20
its not a brain tumour

06-01-15, 04:09
Relax a little bit... we get all kinds of problems for all kinds of reasons, and they very very rarely and almost never point to something serious. In fact, people with cancer and tumors often don't even feel any symptoms from their condition and they find out randomly. I've had family members and even animals get blocked tear ducts. I see you're in the States, you would ask for an MRI and have to pay how much for that? And yes, the wait is a tad long. I'm on a 6-month waiting list, I have migraines so we just want to rule out a few causes. I'm not even worried for you -- relax, it's going to be OK. See a GP maybe, or a pharmacist and ask how long it takes to heal.

Gluck :)

graeme joy
06-01-15, 05:13
How long have you had this problem ?