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05-01-15, 21:45

I think im suffering from panic attacks/anxiety and have been dealing with some problems recently that are completely new to me.

something that doesn't always happen it only has happened twice so far: I went to gym to workout and after I finished some of my workouts and i felt choking in my throat twice which was gone in seconds, the 2nd i felt that choking again but this time i felt dizzy(like going to pass out but i did not) maybe because i was really scared.. now some minutes ago i felt like i'm losing my mind, and felt like im going to pass out again but i did not..

i've already consulted many doctors, did too many tests everything came back positive. but i always think there's something more because those symptoms are really scary.... and have started happening recently (4 months already)

06-01-15, 01:39
adrenaline in your throat muscle can absolutely feel like you are about to swell up and choke.

i imagine its like a ghost following me around strangling me and i have had it for days on end. hydrating myself properly of course instantly feels better on your throat but has had a positive lasting effect on my symptom too.

it is just stress and wont cause you any harm.

hope you feel happier to know that it just a real effect of feeling anxiety and that as uncomfortable as it is that you accept it and learn to control whatever it is that makes you anxious.

06-01-15, 01:59
adrenaline in your throat muscle can absolutely feel like you are about to swell up and choke.

i imagine its like a ghost following me around strangling me and i have had it for days on end. hydrating myself properly of course instantly feels better on your throat but has had a positive lasting effect on my symptom too.

it is just stress and wont cause you any harm.

hope you feel happier to know that it just a real effect of feeling anxiety and that as uncomfortable as it is that you accept it and learn to control whatever it is that makes you anxious.
thanks for your words, i wish i knew what makes me anxious so i could work on it. it seems to happen out of nowhere..

06-01-15, 02:30
i very recently had what you describe-exactly.

you only have to read bad stories in the news these days and just because you forget about it later doesnt mean to say that it wont come back and hit you later.

it can be a personal issue or what i believe are environmental issues(for me-geopolitics!) but there will be something causing you to stress out.

for me, if i know that it is an anxiety related symptom i can instantly reassure myself and often alleviate any further symptoms just by accepting something for what it is and not contribute to it with my imagination.

when i was experiencing this i would just tell myself quite calmly that ok, its uncomfortable and actually physically hurts but it will go away simply by not giving it the attention it wants. and its gone and you can do the same.

06-01-15, 22:30
i also wanna say that i had adrenaline rushes in my chest/tongue before that happened, is that normal?

06-01-15, 22:40
i also wanna say that i had adrenaline rushes in my chest/tongue before that happened, is that normal?

when you suffer with anxiety you get surges of adrenaline it can cause you to feel alsorts of strange feelings my chest tightens and my tongue tingles pins and needles dizzy spells and that's just a few remember its unpleasant but go with the feeling they will pass and they wont harm you :hugs:

Catherine S
06-01-15, 23:01
I agree with Mrs Stressed, adrenaline can cause havoc with our nervous system which in turn can create all of the symptoms you are having. Years ago the doctors would advise us to breathe into a paper bag, in order to restore the balance. Nowadays we take meds...a sign of the times :)


06-01-15, 23:14
I agree with Mrs Stressed, adrenaline can cause havoc with our nervous system which in turn can create all of the symptoms you are having. Years ago the doctors would advise us to breathe into a paper bag, in order to restore the balance. Nowadays we take meds...a sign of the times :)

these symptoms were gone for a long time and now they returned again, what do I need to do so they can subside again?

06-01-15, 23:18
Vcart you need to relax more rest when you need to ,with anxiety it takes along time for your body to settle back ,also try some gentle exercise I go for walks it clears my head x

Catherine S
07-01-15, 00:05
In that case vCart, what did you do before to relieve the symptoms? Always remember that anxiety, unlike depression, is part of everyone's life so we strive to get rid of it completely in vain i'm afraid, but its how we react to the symptoms anxiety produces that's the key.


07-01-15, 12:21
In that case vCart, what did you do before to relieve the symptoms? Always remember that anxiety, unlike depression, is part of everyone's life so we strive to get rid of it completely in vain i'm afraid, but its how we react to the symptoms anxiety produces that's the key.

I didn't masturbate for a long time. I had stopped masturbating for about 300 days and when I started doing it again from time to time I go through these symptoms of anxiety..
I was never an anxious person, i mean yeah i was but not like that.. now i'm anxious for nothing, and also having these symptoms..