View Full Version : Mid panic attack please help

05-01-15, 22:22
Hi guys. Have been pretty good for a few weeks up until tonight where I have had the mother of all Attacks. Was in bed watching Netflix on my phone when I got horrible pain from my neck down to my back. I moved and it went away but then I rolled over holding my daughter and it happened again. Now in a huge panic that something is wrong with my lungs - cancer - as when I lie down i feel a bit gurgle on left side. Doesn't hurt when I breathe and Boyd can't hera any wheezing.
Please hel calm me down. Desperately trying not to panic but have already been sick, have diarreha and petrified this pain is going to come back and is something horrible.

05-01-15, 22:26
Sounds like your posture is causing your kneck and back pain, also your tense now just to aggravate it.movements ease posture pains.

Put the thought its cancer out of your head, cancer very rarely has pain as a symptom.

05-01-15, 22:28
hey im in the same boat suffered for years with this but there is one thing I can handle and that is panic attacks! im very on edge at this moment in time and I would suggest for you to sit down watch some tv and take some deep breaths:) this panic attack wont kill you and it never will just think of it like that and if you do end up having one just keep thinking this wont kill me!!:)

05-01-15, 22:32
Sounds like your posture is causing your kneck and back pain, also your tense now just to aggravate it.
Put the thought its cancer out of your head, cancer very rarely has pain as a symptom.

Thank you for u Alexandria. Thank you for u for replying. My partner is trying to calm me down but sometimes u just need extra reassurance. I Was worried it might be my heart but no chest or arm pain. My tummy is going mental now - I'm a delight! :)

---------- Post added at 22:32 ---------- Previous post was at 22:30 ----------

hey im in the same boat suffered for years with this but there is one thing I can handle and that is panic attacks! im very on edge at this moment in time and I would suggest for you to sit down watch some tv and take some deep breaths:) this panic attack wont kill you and it never will just think of it like that and if you do end up having one just keep thinking this wont kill me!!:)

Thanks Luke. My partner thinks it's because I cwrry my weight around my tummy so have lower back problems and neck issues from ad posture. Trying to calm down now. I wish I could rationalise like my partner. I'm 34 but feel like an old woman sometimes :wacko:

05-01-15, 22:39
I know that feeling :) I have a habit of siting in some right funny ways then I wonder where all these aches and pains come from:winks:

05-01-15, 22:41
I know that feeling :) I have a habit of siting in some right funny ways then I wonder where all these aches and pains come from:winks:

:) if it's not my back its my hips , then my neck or arms. So silly :)

05-01-15, 23:09
I pulled my back jogging the other day and im still sat on the floor doing it no good what so ever I think we can be our own worst nightmares sometimes

05-01-15, 23:22
No problem, I hope that with reassurance and belief you can learn to cope with the games your mind plays on you.
No one can see the future but if you try to spend to much time in it by guessing your next illness you want have happy memories to look back on.
Take care x

05-01-15, 23:25
No problem, I hope that with reassurance and belief you can learn to cope with the games your mind plays on you.
No one can see the future but if you try to spend to much time in it by guessing your next illness you want have happy memories to look back on.
Take care x

Thank you. I'm really trying to get a handle on it. My friends mum is dying of cancer at the mo and so I yhink test is bringing out my own fears. Doesn't help that when I lie flat on my back and breathe that I feel wheezy ( not always) so that coupled with the pain has got on top of me. I'm petrified the pain is going to come back so frightened to sleep now :( xx

06-01-15, 01:18
Sounds like that old Devil , 'The Health Anxiety'. I was like this and when I kept hearing of people dying or Cancer victims, I just got worse. You may not realize it but when we get scared, we tense the whole body; especially the shoulders and neck and this is what causes a lot of the pain. We eat this way too and then cause trapped wind which in turn causes even more pain. Then the Brain goes in to overdrive and sends you messages that something terrible is wrong, then the fear grows, then more symptoms appear until you just become so scared of everything!
You need to get plenty of exercise; walking, yoga, dance, gardening; anything to release the adrenalin. You also need to keep the Mind occupied by keeping busy all of the time so that by nighttime you have used all of your energy and you will get to sleep quicker and sleep better. Do plenty of breathing exercises throughout the day and learn to relax those shoulders. Take a period of time out as well where you can lay on the bed and shut your eyes, listen to a relaxation CD and take yourself off to a Oasis in your thoughts. Your nerves are on edge and you need to calm them down. Get those bad thoughts our and away. Do some drawing, write a poem, make something; even go back to your youth and play at something. You need to change your bad thoughts in to productive and therapeutic thoughts. Change your diet as well, certain foods can make you worse. Don't drink Coffee or Alcohol, eat plenty of veg, fruit and nuts. Camomile Tea is excellent for calming the nerves and lastly, give it time to heal. It's taken a long while to get this way, so you have to give it time to get better. You will get through this, I am 80 percent better now and I thought I was for dead a year ago. Have faith! :)