View Full Version : Blocked tear duct brain tumor HELP

05-01-15, 23:31
Hi I've posted here before. I'm a 16 yr old girl and for the past 4 yrs I've had an excessively watery eye on one side only and 2 months ago I've had eye twitches as well. I just had an eye dr appt and she said it was probably a blocked tear duct. I looked it up and found out that the only causes of a blocked tear duct are injury, inflammation or brain tumor. The eye dr said I have no inflammation or injury so that leaves a brain tumor. I'm freaking out I'm so scared. My dad said he would take me to the neurologist but we probably won't get an appt until a while. I do t think I can wait I'm so scared. If I go in to the ER today, would they give me an mri?

05-01-15, 23:45
You posted this earlier today.


Just based on history, it's highly unlikely.

Positive thoughts

05-01-15, 23:52
But what else could be causing it?? It's the only cause I could find. Sorry for posting twice I wanted to change the title but didn't know how. I'm so scared right now i don't know what to do

graeme joy
06-01-15, 03:22
its not tumour

06-01-15, 04:06
I'm really worried bc I just read that persistent watering in one eye is a red flag of sinus tumors. I've never heard of anyone else with these symptoms, Ive had excessive tearing in my right eye for four years. I Also read that sinus tumors don't have many symptoms until cancer progresses.

graeme joy
06-01-15, 05:12
its sinus to do blockage or congested or bunged up. My dad currently has a brain tumour. You do not have a tumour i promise you. How long have you had this problem ???

06-01-15, 05:14
Synptoms for four years? No. If you had a brain tumour you'd be dead or seriously vegetative by now. Chill. :)

graeme joy
06-01-15, 05:16
not neccassarily serenity some tumours are slow growing and don't appear up to 10 years i know as this happened to my father. I do agree tho that she doesn't have a tumour.

06-01-15, 05:25
Thanks for the responses. I've relaxed a bit because Ive been reading about how rare it is, but I had a major anxiety attack before and now I have a horrible headache and sinus pain which is making me more nervous. I Just don't know what other explanation there could be for my symptoms. And if it is a tear duct blockage like the eye dr said, I don't know what would cause it because I have no infection or inflammation and the only other cause is brain tumor. And in response to your question I've had the eye watering and nose running for about four years but the twitching in my eye for two minths

06-01-15, 10:56
You do not have a sinus tumor.

They happen in about 2000 cases yearly in the USA - and it happens predominately in males over 60 with a history of smoking........so unless you're not really a 16 year old girl...... :p

Darling, it could also be allergies. They cause watering with no inflammation or infection.

If you had allergies for 4 years I would say this is normal. Ask your mum or dad if you can try an antihistamine.

If you had a brain tumor for 4 years, I think a watery eye would be the least of your concern.

06-01-15, 15:03
I agree with the possibility of allergies.

Think, though: a sinus tumor is essentially a blockage in your sinus. Sinus infections can be another cause of a blockage. Unless your eye doctor was specifically looking for that, he wouldn't be able to tell you.

Have you seen your family doctor about this? He could look at your sinuses and tell you what he thinks the issue is. It could very well be allergies.

graeme joy
06-01-15, 15:14
Some tumours lay domant for years. First usual sign is a seizure usually.

06-01-15, 15:54
Some tumours lay domant for years. First usual sign is a seizure usually.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It does not come or go nor lie dormant for years.

Positive thoughts

06-01-15, 16:35
Thanks for the replies. I'm also scared it could be a lacrimal sac or gland tumor as these can cause excessive eye watering in one eye for years. The eye dr said it's definitely not allergies because that would be in both eyes. I'm also really scared right now because I am underweight and have been trying to gain weight for the past year which has been typically very easy for me. Now however, I'm not gaining weight anymore and am so scared that it's bc of a tumor

graeme joy
06-01-15, 16:52
Fish more rubbish. My father had a brain tumour which was slow growing. It was there for 10 years untill noticed when he had a seizure. So your comments as usual are crap.

---------- Post added at 16:47 ---------- Previous post was at 16:39 ----------

cancers can lie dormant and undected for years. Look it up.

---------- Post added at 16:52 ---------- Previous post was at 16:47 ----------

liv please get a mri.

06-01-15, 16:58
Do you think it could be a tumor??

06-01-15, 17:02
Fish more rubbish. My father had a brain tumour which was slow growing. It was there for 10 years untill noticed when he had a seizure. So your comments as usual are crap.

---------- Post added at 16:47 ---------- Previous post was at 16:39 ----------

cancers can lie dormant and undected for years. Look it up.[COLOR="blue"]

As a survivor of stage IV head and neck cancer, I'm basing my statements on personal experience. I'm very, very sorry about your father and yes, I did look it up. What happened in his case was very, very rare.

I'm sorry you find my posts rubbish and not to your liking.

I wish you the best

Positive thoughts

graeme joy
06-01-15, 17:31
Liv i feel you should get the mri for peace if mind. Fish cancers can be undetected for years. Ive read numerous accounts of this. Thankyou. We shall agree to disagree.

06-01-15, 17:49
I am struggling with my own BT fears at the moment and, whilst I recognise that you can have a benign BT for many, many years without problems, I would agree with FMP, that on the whole most people know much sooner. Having said that, I'm not a doctor and this is based on my own incessant googling about my own current worries.

I can't believe I'm going to say this, but if your GP doesn't think you need a scan, then he/she is probably quite happy that this is not a BT. Wish I could take my own advice though...

Actually, if I had your symptoms I wouldn't be worried.

06-01-15, 17:49

With all due respect. At 16, outside of cosmic possibilities, it truly doesn't sound sinister. Of course, no one here is a doctor so seeing your doctor might be in order. I don't know where you are in the US but Winter is upon us and that means dryness, cold, indoors a lot, dust etc. I know for me, my allergies have been brutal and my sinuses dry as bone. We've been running a humidifier and that's helping. This may be as simple that an antihistamine would solve it.

As far as tests, your parents would have to sign off being that you're a minor and tests without insurance are $$$$, especially things like MRIs and CAT scans. If you're truly concerned, talk to your parents and get an appointment with your doctor. A medical professional would be the best judge as to what's going on. And while you're there, discussing your worries and anxiety would be in order as well.

Positive thoughts

06-01-15, 17:52
I have an appt with my regular dr today but my mom will not bring me to get an MRI. Do you think the doctor will be able to tell if I have a tumor? i tried using a symptom checker thinking it would ease my mind but brain tumor came up as the most likely cause... I know I shouldn't be looking up this stuff, but I keep hoping I will find some other diagnosis and can't!!

06-01-15, 17:55
It's your doctor's job to keep you alive and kicking so if he feels something warrants further checking, he'll do so.

Let us know what he says!

Positive thoughts

06-01-15, 17:57

See your doctor and then trust what they say. Then, as FMP says, perhaps talk about your anxiety and worries. My own HA started when I was a little girl - about 7 and has waxed and wained since then. Back then, there wasn't nearly as much help around as there is now, so try to focus on tackling your fears now.


graeme joy
06-01-15, 19:06
Get your brain looked at no matter what. My dad ignored things and now he is terminal.

---------- Post added at 19:06 ---------- Previous post was at 19:05 ----------

My fathers doctor didnt issue him for a mri and he had brain tumour. He just told him he had depression.

06-01-15, 19:34
Yes, I think it's good you're seeing a doctor. It sounds like others are ruling out the most basic causes when they are talking to you, without telling you what they think the cause is. Be sure to ask. Don't be afraid to tell your doc what your worries are - tell him what your eye doctor told you.

If your doctor thinks something needs to be looked at further, they will do so. Just be sure to express your concerns and ask them what they really think and why. And THEN: trust them.

Good luck :) I'm sending good vibes your way.

06-01-15, 19:42
Get your brain looked at no matter what. My dad ignored things and now he is terminal.

---------- Post added at 19:06 ---------- Previous post was at 19:05 ----------

My fathers doctor didnt issue him for a mri and he had brain tumour. He just told him he had depression.

Hi graeme joy, that's awful what happened to your father. Do you think on some level that's what drives your health anxiety? And why you worry about dismissing things as just anxiety?

06-01-15, 20:41
I just had my dr appt and the doctor said I'm fine. I didn't voice all my concerns but now I wish that I had. I did say I was worried about having a sinus tumor but she said i would have other symptoms. Now I iwish Ihad asked more questions and am still worried. My dad is going to try to make me a neurologist appt so until then I am trying to stay calm.

06-01-15, 20:44
I just had my dr appt and the doctor said I'm fine. I didn't voice all my concerns but now I wish that I had. I did say I was worried about having a sinus tumor but she said i would have other symptoms. Now I iwish Ihad asked more questions and am still worried. My dad is going to try to make me a neurologist appt so until then I am trying to stay calm.

That's GREAT news and I'm sure you are fine. Still being worried and doubting the doctor is a hallmark HA symptom. In the meantime, write down your concerns on paper or perhaps print out one of your threads for the Neuro to see.

Positive thoughts

07-01-15, 04:28
I had a major anxiety attack tonight. I was begging my mom to take me to the hospital and when she didn't, I called 911. The ambulance and police came to my house and explained that they would not be able to do tests at the hospital. I finally relaxed later, but am still extremely anxious as all my symptoms seem to point to some sort of nasal or sinus tumor. Only one side of my nose is runny, only one eye watering, same eye twitches, etc. I have a neuro appt in a month but I can't seem to calm down until then. I don't know what to do and am trying to stop googling my symptoms. All I keep thinking about is the possibility that I might have a tumor and die. Any advice on how to handle these fears until my neurologist appt? My mom is taking me to a psychiatrist for anxiety medication

07-01-15, 12:18
My 2 cents on brain tumors, having witnessed two closely :

Usually brain tumor grows and presses a point that causes symptoms straight away. Some cases do grow unnoticed because they have "space" to grow inside our head - in that sense they can lie "dormant" for years because they grow so slowly.

But FMP is right that it won't stop growing or shrink, usually when the symptoms come - as the tumor starts to press a critical point - they will progressively go worse, it won't come and go and will get bad pretty fast even if it's slow growing.

But for what it's worth, I don't think this is an issue with brain/sinus tumor. Sinus tumor has symptoms like sinusitis times a hundred. I for example have always a congested nostril, it switches sides and so on, but the cause is most likely that I have narrow ducts up my nose :) 99.99% of the cases are usually totally benign, our minds just makes us part of the 0.001% "potentially serious" group.

07-01-15, 22:10
Hi I just wanted to thank everyone for their support and let everyone know that I'm doing a lot better today. I realized I'm worried about having a sinus tumor, not a brain tumor(just thought I'd clarify that) I'm still worried that I have one, but at the same time I'm realizing that even if I do, it's not the worst thing in the world. I realized that I have to live my life to the fullest, and even if I were to die tomorrow, at least I'm lucky enough to have lived a good, happy life. I can't just sit here and worry about dying all the time, and this goes for everyone on this forum. We will all die someday, it could be tomorrow or it could be 50 years from now,but it's pointless to sit here and worry about it. Might as well live every day to the fullest and be happy with the lives we've led:)