View Full Version : link about probiotics helping with anxiety

05-01-15, 23:56
maybe of some interest to some of you : )


06-01-15, 00:12
Its a study of prebiotics courierdude, so perhaps worth amending.

Thanks for posting this.

I have been looking into this area a fair bit because I believe there is a lot of truth in it although I was looking more at probiotics. I think perhaps a strategy of both would be useful as I wonder if you have a problem in this area, it could be because of reduced food to the healthy bacteria.

The second brain link is well proven and I've been reading about epigenetics more recently where it also discussed gut health and links to alterations at gene level.

Its also interesting because the vast majority of serotonin is held in the gut and relies on healthy digestion to produce & release it and a diet in processed foods can greatly reduce what we actually digest from our food which can only result in various deficiencies.

What is disappointing is the short cited ness of the guy commenting by suggesting it will only be an adjunct to anti depressants especially since they are selling the tests they used as the sane as those in drug trials! I don't agree with this at all and hopefully more forward looking researchers will come along.

06-01-15, 01:12
yeah right-doh-thought it was about yoghurts!

typo sorry : /

i think information like this should be posted in the symptoms forum really because im guessing that a lot of people dont really acknowledge hippy science as such : )

i often attribute my own mental health issues down to dietary issues and when i read articles like this my concern is that a pharma company is going to snap up all the patients and licenses and then bury it all out of view forever.

its clear for anyone to see that they are more than capable of helping themselves and reducing dependence on a system of crutches to hold themselves together, but getting people to understand that the simplest of things can completely amend the damage inflicted by supermarkets and bad habits only holds any credibility with people who are trying to lose weight...who consume cart loads of synthetic sweeteners : /

print the article and pin it up in the waiting room next to the flu vaccine information!

06-01-15, 01:33
Is the same as other areas. NICE, for instance, have recognised probiotics as needing more research. They have also made recommendations for further study of cursor chamomile & gingko biloba.

One of the likely factors, sadly, is that these are much cheaper solutions and in the grand scheme of politics, a new thing that saves a lot of money can also greatly increase unemployment which ends up costing more than the innovation saves. So, we exist in a society where we have to rely on the scruples of those who govern in order to force through changes which may be unpopular to those who make the most money.

Anyone who doubts that might want to consider what had happened since Gordon Brown removed regulation powers from the utility sector which allowed unscrupulous corporations to push prices up with little control and now the political parties tread on eggshells around them because they can just move abroad.

The good thing about probiotics is that they exist away from the medical sector and there are large supplement companies already there. Besides, as long as we see the outcome of such research, we can try it ourselves.

Probiotics can be expensive but I think prebiotics are cheaper as they are usually included in products. I have found that the cheapest way to produce probiotics in far stronger combinations is to make your own eg kefir. I am planning on starting to make water kefir soon.

06-01-15, 02:18
you talk about all the things i use to bombard my CBT therapist with!

how can you not get anxiety when you live in a world of masters and serfs?

you have to make things right for yourself in the end, grow your own food and produce your own medication. all of which is constantly under attack from the powers that be.

good old gordon brown!

cant blame him personally as they all operate for the same bankers that run the whole show. they were installed by them and they do what they are told, regardless of which team they are fronting. the illusion of the choice. never for the common good and always to benefit the ruling elites. i dont think eggshells are a factor here, i think the puppet strings hold them above all that and they certainly dont acknowledge the common people as a threat to their agendas.

they chuck us the odd crumb now and then and as long as its 52 inches and curved people wont bother looking beyond it : /

thankfully there is enough information out there that allows us to momentarily see that there are better things we can all do for ourselves.

think i might get the pharmacist(girlfriend)to look into this water kefir and then have a little experimentation with it

06-01-15, 07:08
Kefir can be made in milk or water form, it just means a different starting set of grains is needed.

Its very cheap because you only buy it once and it feeds and continues to grow from there indefinitely since its just a culture.

You just need a couple of jars, mineral water, sugar, bottles to store it, any flavouring you choose and if it's milk kefir you need milk (cows) because of keeping it cool and a fridge. I went with water kefir because I don't have much fridge space for bottles.

The strains differ between the two forms but they deliver far more than its commercially available in probiotic supplements. Water kefir delivers about 1 trillion bacteria which is an extremely high strength in supplements often costing more like £50 for a few days supply! The human body contains 100 trillion I think. Kefir also contains more stains than commercial products and had some digestive enzymes (as whole foods do) as all as some vitamins & minerals, although this well differ based on the type of kefir and probably the liquid base as some people use other forms of milk in the second stage (nevertheless do it on the culture itself though).

Its old as well. Milk kefir is thousands of years old, water kefir is much more recent.

Milk kefir is also ok for those who are lactose intolerant because when you brew it, that's what the colony eat, all the lactose. I've seen people talking about drinking it prior to a meal with lactose in and finding they can now tolerate it which is interesting.

Dead simple to make too. It brews in 24hrs and then you ferment it for a further 24-48hrs in the flavouring process.

It does have a very low alcohol content since its fermented. If you leave it longer when creating it, the alcohol content increases and you can make probiotic beer from it!

I only came across probiotics and kefir by talking to a couple of members on here on the natural remedies board and how supplementation was helping them.

Worth a go I reckon and cheap!

06-01-15, 15:03
Ooh you beat me to it. Was just about to post the same link!
Interesting article.