View Full Version : I'm terrorizing myself over long qt syndrome :( help pls!!

06-01-15, 07:00
Hi everyone, I just joined this site... Im so glad I found it as well because things have just been getting way way way out of control for me :( It's starting to set off major depression and its getting harder and harder to pretend like I think I'm alright... I am terrorizing myself now about something called Long Qt syndrome and its driving me absolutely bananas... it started a month or so ago when I was having really fast heart rates in the A.M. and usually I attribute this to the fact that I am orthostatic hypotension (POTS... honestly.. just not entirely yet diagnosed), anyhow, it usually subsided a few hours later and once I got around moving. I should also mention as well that I have never fainted not as a child nor as an adult (i'm 22 now). Then it progressed into tachycardia for days... I'm talking over 110 bpm AT REST for 5 days straight!!! I was absolutely exhausted.. I couldn't even move that much and my heart would soar. I was taken off my Effexor 75mg which I was taking last year for a WHOLE YEAR without these kind of cardiac effects (except for more pronounced orthostatic hypotension).. and my heart rate subsided for a day (73bpm) and then it came crawling all the way back up and a total sick feeling came over me for 4 days, ontop of all of this I was having chest pain breathing inwards (which i usually attribute to costochondrisis). My doc did a blood test for pericarditis and and ECG (which i have had over 4 in the ER before this incident for anxiety and panic stuff, which we're never abnormal just tachycardia with normal sinus rhythm) and he said my ECG was in normal rhythm and it was just fast but my C reactive protein was elevated and so was my potassium at 5.2.. Which i know is still in the high to normal range but he asked me to stop eating bananas like I do everyday.. So i did for 4 days and then I noticed my heart was beating slower than im used to (in the 50s) and I felt a bit weak.. ofcourse I ran to the hospital and asked them just to take a look at me and I told them about the potassium and the chest pain which had been quite mild at that point, and they did another ecg at rest which showed a slightly prolonged QT!1!!!!!!! As well as a blood test that indicated that my potassium was now 3.3, although the ER doc didn't mention anything about the way the ecg looked just that the computer said it was prolonged, I don't remember the QT but i believe the Qtc was 490 or so at 72bpm. Needless to say, I absolutely freaked out and she told me that sometimes, antidepressants can prolong the QT interval.. but I had already been off of them for 2 weeks at that point? I left and then I couldn't sleep a wink and went back to the hospital because I started to have PVCS or PACS.. Can't tell which is which, and thought I was having a fatal arrhythmia.. So I ended up seeing the ER doctor again (not the same one) and she addressed my anxiety FULLY, and when I asked about the QT thing she told me not to worry about it and that I was probably born with it... Let me tell you I literally lost my marbles... I told NEVER in any of my family history has their been any history of sudden death or heart disease!!! and ontop of all that my ECG's before were never prolonged or had any indication of being prolonged!!! She brushed me off and asked if I wanted an Ativan.. :( I even tried to admit myself for psychiatric help at that point but she said no. A few days later, I went and saw my GP and he's known me since birth.. I showed him the ECG and he asked me to go do another one downstairs in the building and to bring it right back to him.. I did and he looked at it and it said 87bpm with a QT of 362 I believe in normal sinus rhythm. I felt a little relieved and he asked me to come do another one in a couple of days and then another in a couple of days and set up a holter. I did another one a few days later at his office and it was 97bpm with QT of 368. I was again RELIEVED! He told me that sometimes the machine isnt always correct, but I can't get that moment in the ER out of my head :( it was horrible. I felt like I was just sentenced to death (very dramatic I know).. I did my holter last week on thursday and I am literally terrified to know the results :( I am terrorizing myself honestly... If I did have long QT would that indefinitely show on a holter? Anyhow.. I am SO sorry about such a long post.. Its honestly ridiculous but I feel like I have no where to run :(

Any advice or just calm words would be appreciated.

Thanks so much in advance.

- Emily

06-01-15, 19:14
hey your not the only one going through waiting for holter results my anxiety was not that bad and suddenly i got really weak and for 5 days too my heart was going normal then into tachycardi of 145+ i was exhausted too i could not stand or anything and the ecg showed sinus arrythmia i started getting asked questions about sudden death syndrome and heart problems in my family i know my grandads brother died and nobody ever found out why and he was youngish but other than that i was like no i started to freak out after they asked me and i belived i was going to die any day to be honest i still do i then started googling arrythmia that came up with horrible stuff so now i am constantly feeling my heart and pulse checking everything ect i then started to have a breathing problem that i would get before my heart raced off accept my heart stopped racing off this breathing problem stayed i also get flutters and palps all the time i had my holter for 24 hours on 2nd december im still waiting for my results im going mental and also now i have moved on to brain tumor anyrsm and blood clot so at this moment in time its the first time i have not been thinking about my heart but my head !
and in some sort of strange way even though i really belive im dieing right now im reliefed im not thinking about my heart the heat thing first started 3 months ago when did yours start ?

06-01-15, 19:31
hey your not the only one going through waiting for holter results my anxiety was not that bad and suddenly i got really weak and for 5 days too my heart was going normal then into tachycardi of 145+ i was exhausted too i could not stand or anything and the ecg showed sinus arrythmia i started getting asked questions about sudden death syndrome and heart problems in my family i know my grandads brother died and nobody ever found out why and he was youngish but other than that i was like no i started to freak out after they asked me and i belived i was going to die any day to be honest i still do i then started googling arrythmia that came up with horrible stuff so now i am constantly feeling my heart and pulse checking everything ect i then started to have a breathing problem that i would get before my heart raced off accept my heart stopped racing off this breathing problem stayed i also get flutters and palps all the time i had my holter for 24 hours on 2nd december im still waiting for my results im going mental and also now i have moved on to brain tumor anyrsm and blood clot so at this moment in time its the first time i have not been thinking about my heart but my head !
and in some sort of strange way even though i really belive im dieing right now im reliefed im not thinking about my heart the heat thing first started 3 months ago when did yours start ?

Wow, that must be so hard to go through! :( I know leading all the way up to this point, I had various other concerns, it actually started out with worries about a pulmonary embolism and then it just sort of escalated into this Long QT mess.. That was roughly about 3 months ago when my boyfriend told me he didn't think we should live together anymore after 3 and half years of living together. I think that may have set things in motion, if im being quite honest. They asked you about sudden death after having an ECG with sinus rhythm? Hmm, strange, because I was told that random bursts of tachycardia for a few days that is sustained, doesn't correlate with Long QT syndrome, and if it did, it would show on an ECG, and be geared towards the ventricles. I hope everything is okay with you though and do please let me know how your holter turned out and if you are alright!

Take care :)