View Full Version : slight leak

06-01-15, 08:17
Hi all
Long time since posted but I wanted some opinions please.
I have found one breast has leaked a small amount of fluid. I notice this when I took my bra off at home but still had a shirt top on. I'm thinking it may have been irate by the top.
Has this happened to others?
If I touch or squeeze my nipple I can see it become a little damp. But it's not a lot.
Should I be concerned?

Please can I have opinions
I have put tissue in my bra today to see if leaks

06-01-15, 09:15
Hi :)

Have you had any kids? (any age)?

I have an almost 5 year old and 7 year old - the 5 year old breastfed til she was 2 (so 3 years weaned)

I went to the Dr about a month ago because my left nipple was actually quite sore and was leaking a colostrum type fluid.

My Dr examined me, checked for any lumps near the nipple (none at all), squeezed the nipple and saw the fluid. She said that any fluid that is clear, milky or colostrum like is fine.

She said greenish can signify a benign condition in the ducts (ultrasound can confirm) and anything bloody isn't necessarily dangerous but definitely needs investigation.

My Dr is a very cautious Dr and was happy just with the visual exam - didn't even want a scan.

So I hope this helps :)

As an aside, I get leaks from both nipples that is sometimes milky and other times clear. Only ever a couple of drops.

The other thing to consider is how much you're leaking. A few drops is normal. Anything that feels like a letdown or is staining tops etc might need a bloodtest or scan to check for a benign condition that affects the part of the brain that releases prolactin.

06-01-15, 09:30
Hi thank you for this. I have a 7 and 2 year old but neither breast fed. It tends to be from left only. It was a few raindrop style patches on my shirt. If I do stimulate them I can see the tiny water look on them both. But mainly the left.
It's so hard checking re lumps as I have lumpy breast anyway. Also I feel my ribs through my breast so it is hard to feel.

This has helped me.
I will mention it at my next doctor visit.

I don't know whether the material from the top just stimulated it.

Do yours get dry a times to.

Gosh I'm sorry for personal thread here x

06-01-15, 09:38
haha - it's fine. I don't mind. We are women and this is our lot in life :)

Yes I do get dry times but if I squeeze enough I can get drops from my breasts (funnily enough, my left breast is the most leaky)

I would mention it at your next appointment but I really don't think it's worth making a separate appointment for.

If I am wearing a singlet top (at home) with nothing underneath i get the spots occasionally if the top irritates my nipple.

As for checking for lumps, my Dr flattened the top of my breast and nipple to check for lumps around that area (so not like your traditional SBE).

My breasts are considered fibrocystic (left more than the right) and my Dr used the best analogy for me to not panic when checking. Lumps that are smooth and round(ish) that have some movement to them are likely to be cysts. Lumps that feel like slight thickening BUT not hard and immoveable are likely to be fibro changes (within the realm of normal)

My GP explained that a breast cancer change feels very hard (so if your lumps are somewhat uniform across one section of your breast but there is a hard lump - this is what need to be checked)........she said imagine the outside of a golf ball (bumpy) and firm non moving.

That helped me. I also had an ultrasound done 2 years ago and draw a diagram of where I was feeling the lumps (with respect to how big they were, what they felt like, position etc) and each month I take this map so I don't freak out when I cover old ground.

This has been a great help monthly to me.

Off tangent lol

06-01-15, 10:06
I think you're fine, as long as no lump is felt I think it is okay. And again mummato2 is a great companion here, trust her words.

13-01-15, 23:57
Doctor felt breast said no lump. Advised just to see how it goes but she's not concerned.

14-01-15, 04:00
That is great :) I hope it is less of a concern for you now.