View Full Version : Aches n Pains!

06-01-15, 10:11
Hey All,

So I *think* I have been suffering health anxiety??? Some of you may have seen my previous posts regarding this and my symptoms..dizziness, short of breath, heart racing, jittery etc etc...and feared the worst (heart wise primarily then head) despite extensive tests being clear.

Anyway, was prescribed Cymbalta 30mg. Took it for two days and felt absolutely rubbish! So I stopped and haven't had it for two days. I the two days that I haven't I feel like I'm accepting anxiety and dealing with it less symptoms on a whole and feeling ok...

However, this morn my heart rate went to 120bpm for no apparent reason..went back to 76-80 in a few mins...had it on and off thru the day but not always that high but I really notice it...tonight I'm having pain on And off just in left side of chest that I'm doing my best ignoring but in centre chest feels awkward..not sore or achey just like it's grinding in that area or something...it's annoying me! Anyone else had similar?

06-01-15, 10:43
If there were numerous test that was clear then trust those and manage your anxiety, it is anxiety just like how I feel, the difference is that I am still waiting on my HIV test result, you're lucky that the test you have were all clear.

06-01-15, 10:54
Yea I guess I am baffled by he fact that I don't feel as tho I was anxious so to speak...yet my heart rate spiked up...tonight, just resting watching telly it's sitting around 92bpm and I know I shouldn't check it but I did cos I could feel it around my ribs on left side...

06-01-15, 11:07
Actually, just a minute ago the shortness of breath attacked me again, it felt like I'm going to paased out and my chest is like an orange being squeezed, I applied some menthol ointment on my chest and I lied on my bed for awhile. It happened a minute ago wherein I felt okay and not anxious, actually it happened while I am smiling in front of a TV watching a movie. I guess thats how anxiety works, its effect will be there even in non-anxious times.

06-01-15, 12:10
Argh, it really sucks. I think overall I've been better dealing with the health anxiety by disregarding negative thoughts etc but the aches and pains in my chest do get me off guard at times. I'm starting to get thatthis is what anxiety does but the pains in chest r so real and hurt that iI think its something more...vicious circle. I get referral for psychologist in cpl days so with some luck therapy will help break it.

How r u dealing with your anxiety?

06-01-15, 23:02
Argh, it really sucks. I think overall I've been better dealing with the health anxiety by disregarding negative thoughts etc but the aches and pains in my chest do get me off guard at times. I'm starting to get thatthis is what anxiety does but the pains in chest r so real and hurt that iI think its something more...vicious circle. I get referral for psychologist in cpl days so with some luck therapy will help break it.

How r u dealing with your anxiety?

Honestly, I am not able to manage my anxiety that well coz I am still worried in the HIV test result, HIV is the culprit of this Health Anxiety of mine, If the test is clear then I would look for ways to completely shake off this anxiety.