View Full Version : Palps or Esophegal spasm

06-01-15, 10:19
Hi All

Health Anxiety going a bit crazy today

I have suffered on and off with palps or palp like sensations but today it seems a bit more persistent

Heart is one of the anxiety issues i have and last night i played a basketball match I have not exercised for a while and today i am having either palps or Esophegal spasms.

Sensation is a very quick pause or drop in the centre of my chest just above or on sternum. Lost of gas and blaoting today also.

My whole body feels a bit weird for a few seconds after and then okay again.

Feelign about 6-7 per hour at the moment which isnt a great deal but more than i have felt before. Had an ECG about 6 months ago when they first started bothering me.

Any advice greatly appreciated



06-01-15, 19:04
is it painful ?
or is your breathign effected
i get a non painful drop sensation in my chest i also get it in my throat and high up in my throat i cant breathe with them and started getting about 20+ a day i realised if i moved or stretched when they happened they got less i know it sounds strange.

06-01-15, 19:07
Yes very much a drop sensation feels like it comes from high stomach area sternum no pain I guess for a split second my breathing goes weird but think its because I panic a bit and a feel warm almost sweaty

06-01-15, 19:39
Hi Matty, I had an easophagal spasm last year and it was an extremely unpleasant, painful experience, I'd liken it to having a snake in my throat. So I am thinking what you are experiencing isnt this. I'm not a doctor but think these sound like simple palpitations. I say simple since you can get them on and off. I went thro a phase of getting them every time I went to bed. It was annoying/irritating more than anything & soon stopped happening. I wonder, do u find if you are mindful of it happening, perhaps sometimes you think "ooh I were if I'm going to have a palpitation" and then it happens? I have never been able to take my basal pile because every time I think about it.... My heart races! Anyway, hope my comments r helpful :-) sometimes it's just a case of thing not to think about it and distracting yourself. Or has it will then settle down?

08-01-15, 16:42
Its an ectopic which is triggered by the stomach issues what triggers the Vagus Nerve which controls numerous things including your heart x

10-01-15, 00:32
After experimenting with a portable heart monitor, I've concluded that I can't tell the difference between what's going on in my throat and my heart.

Like today, I was utterly convinced my heart had skipped beats. Nope. It must have been my throat doing something. And I've had the reverse situation too.

23-01-15, 16:20
Just wanted to post here as I have had this on and off for the past 2 days. I could cry I'm so relieved that I'm not dying of a 2 day heart attack! Seems to trigger it off when I'm more panicky - I can feel it in my throat, when I cry it goes away too (seems to get rid of the ''lump'' in my throat.) Goes off when I relax before sleep and starts up again in the morning. My heart rate/pulse and BP are good, heart rate is about 65bpm. It's a horrible feeling though, causing much of my anxiety at the moment. I just got rid of a bout of dizziness and now this! Not sure which I preferred!

I wouldn't like to take propranlol as my BP isn't super high to begin with and don't want it to drop, might try exercise when I'm feeling up to it x

26-01-15, 13:30
Hi Katki

I feel for you, I have been having bad bouts of palps at the top of my stomach very central and also the throat closing and tight neck muscles. It seems i have a few days where not too bad than all of sudden the throat is very tight and have the lump feeling.

Last thursday I played basketball and then following day my throat and neck were closing up. I wonder sometimes if some people that suffer with Anxiety have a bad reaction to exercise possibly due to the nervous system being so out of synch.

Waiting for endoscopy as still get frequent burps, tightness/indegestion in upper stomach even though been on omeprazole for a few years :(

Have tried valerian in the past but considering citalopram after speakign to GP..

p.s Hope you are feeling a bit better