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View Full Version : Cut in nose that won't heal

06-01-15, 12:09
Hi I seem to have got a cut in my nose that won't heal, it's very scaby and there are two pus filled spots sorry to be so vile but I need to be honest. It's really bothering me I'm panicking that I'm not healing as I have something seriously wrong with me. I have IBD so my immune system is not what it what so what can I do to help heal my nose quicker

06-01-15, 13:32
hey, not sure if this will help but I have had sores in my nose and nose bleeding for weeks now on and off. I saw a GP last night and she said its dry nasal passages due to the weather and perhaps an infection and to come back if it doesn't go away.

the skin inside our noses is very fragile and moist so any cuts can take a long time to heal. totally understand why this is bothering you though, I am the same - anything that takes time to heal worries me.

If you immune system is low too that could cause your nose to heal slower.

Have you seen a Dr at all? Personally I wouldn't worry but if you are concerned it might be worth going just to set your mind at rest.

In terms of getting it to heal quicker, try as best you can to leave it be and not blow your nose too hard or anything like that. I blew my nose really hard on the bus last night and had a tissue full of blood - really scared me, but Dr put my mind at rest that its just sore, dry passages and nothing to be concerned over.

Hope this helps hun x

06-01-15, 15:49
I always get this. Some bacteria but not dangerous just painful. I found creams trial and error