View Full Version : weight loss and cancer phobia, really fed up and need advice please :(

06-01-15, 13:24
I haven’t really weighed myself in a few weeks, I suffered from bulimia for 15 years and still recovering really so try not to weigh myself that often but today at work 3 people told me I lost weight and now I am panicking it is because I have an illness!

I have probably been eating a little less and I don’t drink much now as it makes me sleepy on Sertraline and when I take Diazepam I don’t drink at all (knocks me out!!!) and I lost my appetite for the first 2 weeks on Sertraline and was suffering severe anxiety to the point of dry heaving over the toilet bowl in the mornings.

I know the LOGICAL and RATIONAL explanation is that I have lost weight due to medication, stress and taking in less calories but I am PANICKING now that I have cancer and I am just dreading someone else telling me I have lost weight! As someone recovering from an eating disorder I never thought I would see the day when I didn’t want someone to tell me I had lost weight. I just feel awful, I had been doing so well and now this!

To make matters worse I have an appointment this afternoon about an MRI scan I had on my ankle (it was clicking really loudly) before Christmas and I am worried it will be bad news (the C word again even though I know it is unlikely). Was having nightmares about it! I really feel I have a full blown phobia of the c word now. Any time someone talks about it I start to panic! I just hate everything about it and I am so terrified it will happen to me.

Sorry to go on but feeling really low this afternoon, could really do with some advice on how to handle this cause I am so worried.

Snowflake x

06-01-15, 13:39
Hello, Snowflake, I suffered from bulimia for 14 years and fully recovered 3 months ago. You know when you're bulimic you actually get most of the calories you eat on a binge. That's why bulimics don't look so thin.
When I was bulimic, there were some episodes that I didn't eat anything else outside of binge/purge episodes and this was when I lost a lot of weight.
You probably have a less calorie intake than when your bulimia was severe.

06-01-15, 20:59
Thanks for your reply, sorry to hear you suffered with it too but so glad you are fully recovered! yes it is a huge misconception that all bulimics are thin, I was actually overweight when my bulimia was at its very worst. I recently confessed to someone I thought would understand that I am recovering from it and she said "oh I thought bulimics were supposed to be really skinny" omg I couldn't believe it.

You are right though since stopping the heavy binging my weight has stabilised and I am a healthy weight now, probably a few lbs over but slowly losing it (unintentionally, purely through loss of appetite and drinking less)

Much, much less worried now as I didn't think it could be to do with my recovery too. Thanks for you reply hun xx

06-01-15, 22:15
You are welcome, I'm glad I could help.

If I could fully recovered, you can do it too. I thought I was gonna be bulimic forever as I had no control over my urges. Ironically, my HA helped me recover, I can't be thankful though as it's ruining my life.

in order to be healthy and to prevent cancer and other illnesses we need to nourish our bodies so I thought I have to eat all healthy and absorb and digest all the good things I eat and drinks. Bulimia is all behind me now. Hope you can fully recover too and if you feel like you're gonna give in, you can always message me xx

07-01-15, 17:22
Thanks so much hun that really means a lot to me.

Strangely enough since my HA got bad my bulimia stopped too, mainly out of fear of damaging my body any further. I have caused permanent damage to my stomach and teeth :( it is quite liberating now to know I am in recovery from it but its almost like the HA has replaced it :(

I tend to eat smaller meals now and less junk so I don't 'trigger' a binge and so far it has worked but I guess it has also caused me to lose weight. I have days where I have very little appetite due to medication and/or anxiety.

I find diazepam makes me hungry though! Took one this morning and have been snacking all day which I rarely do and still hungry now lol. Deffo no feelings of guilt/shame over it though and have so much better body image now so deffo getting over it.

Thanks for sharing hun and good luck to you xx