View Full Version : Rik Mayall

graeme joy
06-01-15, 13:52
Hi people. IM scared if i go jogging and taking regular exercise i might have a cardiac arrest like Rik Matall did by putting strain on his heart. Please help.

06-01-15, 14:07
Are you epileptic then

graeme joy
06-01-15, 15:12
No im not.

06-01-15, 15:20
You realize that's like saying I'm afraid to take any meds because I don't want to overdose like Peaches Geldof don't you?

Positive thoughts

06-01-15, 15:28
We talked about this earlier... I gave you the same replies as what these guys have, you can't focus on what happened to someone else and expect the same to happen to you, take in what i said to you

graeme joy
06-01-15, 15:43
I dont agree. Overdosing is more self inflicted because you know your limits and you get set a dosage. Knowing how to exercise correctly and not causing strain is a completely different matter. My concern is a part of my health anxiety. If you cant reply constructively then please don't reply at all. Plenty of other messages to respond to. Its all about support long and helping and do you feel your comments would help me ?? Someone on here posted a message about dying from a splinter. Its what problems mental health can cause. Positive feedback please.

---------- Post added at 15:32 ---------- Previous post was at 15:30 ----------

Thankyou Adrienne.

---------- Post added at 15:33 ---------- Previous post was at 15:32 ----------

Its a support group not a mock group.

---------- Post added at 15:43 ---------- Previous post was at 15:33 ----------

worrying about overdosing is stupid because you do it to yourself. Straining can be done by accident. Ask Rik.

06-01-15, 15:45
I don't think he was mocking you, he was stating that you can't compare yourself to someone else and what's happened to them

06-01-15, 16:00
I don't think he was mocking you, he was stating that you can't compare yourself to someone else and what's happened to them

Exactly. Would it be any different than refusing to drive because someone you know got in a car accident? Or refusing to fly because an Air Asia plane went down? They're two totally and completely different situations and one cannot compare them to oneself... That being said, that reason is a poor excuse not to exercise. Heck, I do and I've had two heart attacks, bypass, stents and cancer! You're just allowing the dragon to lie to you.

Positive thoughts

graeme joy
06-01-15, 16:12
I just wanted help and assurance that on how to stay safe when exercising and not over doing it and causing strain ir problems. IM not trying to avoid anything. IM not here to argue. IM here to get help. No idea why your bringing up driving and flying. Its outrageous. Not very understanding or sympathetic. Just patronising. IM more stressed than ever. Thanks for the support fish.

---------- Post added at 16:12 ---------- Previous post was at 16:10 ----------

Things like what happened to rik can educate and learn others.

06-01-15, 16:16
No idea why your bringing up driving and flying. Its outrageous..

The point is that you can't stop doing things just because these things have happened to someone else... It's just like saying your scared to exercise cause of wha happened to Rik mayal who had pervious health problems before his death which you have cleared up you haven't...[COLOR="blue"]

---------- Post added at 16:16 ---------- Previous post was at 16:15 ----------

He had other health problems.

graeme joy
06-01-15, 16:19
I didn't know he had previously had health problems. Thankyou for that.

06-01-15, 16:20
Why don't you join a gym and get a personal trainer who can tel ou what your limits are without pushing yourself too far

06-01-15, 16:26
Graeme - take it from me that you would struggle to overdo it unless you have a or existing medical condition to which exercise is contraindicated. Also whilst your concern about overdoing it is not founded - as unless you are a sadist your body will stop you way before that is possible, the consequences of not doing physical activity are real. Physical activity has more of an impact on health than either smoking or obesity.

graeme joy
06-01-15, 16:28
Yes very good idea

---------- Post added at 16:28 ---------- Previous post was at 16:26 ----------

Why did he die after he jogged ??? He looked healthy.

06-01-15, 16:48
Who knows? Doesn't relate in any way to your situation - just get out there and exercise godammit :)

graeme joy
06-01-15, 16:50
haha. Ok. Of course it relates. I dont want to make the same mistakes.

06-01-15, 16:58
What happened to him does not relate to you at all..... You can't think that way or you'd do nothing as you'd think what happens to someone will happen to you,

You could walk out and get knocked over by a car tomorrow does that mean that you, are going to avoi ping near cars??

That's no way on how to think, you'll drive yourself insane, listen to what w are telling you, no one is mocking you we are just trying to make you realise tha how your thinking is unrealistic

graeme joy
06-01-15, 17:52
ive heard enough. Yes it might be silly but its called health anxiety. Should it be renamed??

---------- Post added at 17:52 ---------- Previous post was at 17:27 ----------

Yep i am scared it will happen the same. Its the devil that its anxiety

06-01-15, 17:53
Not one person has said this is silly

06-01-15, 18:18
There are so many unknowns and variables as regards Rik Mayalls heart attack, that, whilst perhaps not silly, this fear is an aimless one in all honesty, but with HA, sadly that is the nature of it....to be scared anyway.

Nobody can possibly know what instigated Rik's heart attack. So many things can contribute to it. It doesn't just come from a strenuos jog one day, or out of the blue. There are (generally) warning signs. My Grandad died of a massive heart attack too. He had had aching pains for years from his chest, but being a stoic, old-school kind of guy - just get on with things type - he did not see his doctor about it.

Most of the time there are some kinds of warning signs...some indication that all is not good. I just read Rik's Wikipaedia entry which mentions that he had suffered from a lot of fatigue at one point in his career in the 2000's. Could that have been a warning sign? It strongly could have....who knows?

I believe he was a smoker and a drinker, but was advised to give up booze due to the medications he was taking following his accident, which (as I recall) may have been anti-convulsive meds, hence the mention of epilepsy here, as (again I think) his brain injury may have left him with/at risk of seizures.

I am just trying to illustrate really that there are many things that may have lead to Rik's very untimely passing, and things we don't know and never will. He had also gained a lot of weight over the years....this again would have placed a strain on his body.

You must try not to assume that because it happened to him, it will happen to me. Your personal health status may be nothing like his, or the next persons or the next. If you are very worried then you can always request a health MOT/consultation with your doctor or practice nurse (if you have one) so you can get some basic health observations carried out and discuss you concerns and the fact you wish to exercise but are a bit worried.

graeme joy
06-01-15, 18:41
Thankyou Debs for your excellent feedback.

06-01-15, 18:47
No problem, graeme joy.:)

The problem with these high profile events in the media is that they are so magnified by the press, that it (I guess) is very easy for those with HA to get very worried indeed, but stripping it all down, nobody can really know Rik's health history prior to the very sad event.

graeme joy
06-01-15, 19:03
such a good reply compared to the one from fish. Saying its silly for me to worry and comparing it to being scared of meds incase i od like peaches. Ludicrous and not helpful. Debs thankyou again.

06-01-15, 19:07
such a good reply compared to the one from fish. Saying its silly for me to worry and comparing it to being scared of meds incase i od like peaches. Ludicrous and not helpful. Debs thankyou again.

C'mon man... I said the same thing in far fewer words. So did others and you know it. Let it go already will ya please? NEVER did I or anyone say it's "silly". If I did, please C&P it. I get it, you like the "coddling" approach as opposed to "in your face". I told you I would refrain from commenting on your posts. Return the courtesy.

Thanks and again, best wishes and positive thoughts on battling the dragon.

graeme joy
06-01-15, 19:18
oh no....his back

---------- Post added at 19:16 ---------- Previous post was at 19:16 ----------

Debs help. Please help.

---------- Post added at 19:18 ---------- Previous post was at 19:16 ----------

It dont matter what approach. your message was silly and ludicrous and patronising.

06-01-15, 19:22
it's probably been said already but i get slightly annoyed with the attitude that overdosing can't be accidental. it can be and has been many times, and probably will be many more.

06-01-15, 19:22
haha. Ok. Of course it relates. I dont want to make the same mistakes.

The irony being that physical inactivity is one of the greatest contributors to coronary heart disease and stroke. My reason for saying it doesn't relate is that you haven't said anything to suggest that you are anything other than presumed healthy and that being the case the very best thing you could do would be to exercise. That and the proven positive impact it has on mental health.

I think you perceive people as mocking, but actually people are just being direct. We all understand what it is to have health anxiety, but also those of us who are on the road to recovery also understand that reassurance over anxiety fuelled fears is only likely to fuel the fire more.

06-01-15, 19:23
I am so sorry you are having worries about this. Experiencing any sort of anxiety or Health anxiety can make us all have funny fears and to some irrational thoughts, I for one cannot watch any medical programmes and hate listening to other peoples health stories especially when some one mentions DEATH.... I think that's part of the problem . I can totally understand your point and I guess what everyone is trying to say is try not to let it over take your life and stop you from doing the things you love... I can defo relate ATM... I have a real anxiety with my heart and am frightened to do anything that makes my heart beat faster to the point of not wanting to walk up a flight if stairs... Crazy I know but it's how I feel and I am working on ways to change this. I am really new to this forum but hope you will continue to seek reassurance and advice from others that's why we're all here, to support each other. I know I've found great reassurance in knowing there are others out there experiencing the daily (sometimes hourly!) battles I am going through Xxx

06-01-15, 19:23
oh no....his back

---------- Post added at 19:16 ---------- Previous post was at 19:16 ----------

Debs help. Please help.

---------- Post added at 19:18 ---------- Previous post was at 19:16 ----------

It dont matter what approach. your message was silly and ludicrous and patronising.

How can you help yourself when you won't let anyone help you, the person who is being rude is you when fish is clearly tryin to help you, every single person on this post has basically said the same thing maybe in a different way but either way still the same, if you took what someone has said the wrong way just take it with a pinch of salt.....

06-01-15, 19:31
I would just like to say to people this is a site for people with anxiety issues so if Graeme joy has posted something about having a heart attack shows the level of were he is at ,Im sure people will agree negative comments wont help him come on guys abit more support wouldn't go a miss :doh:

06-01-15, 19:32
Hi graeme. I think people are trying to help you see, shall we say, "the wood from the trees".
The thing with hearts and exercise is,It is very rare for People to die suddenly when exercising....but... if you don't exercise at all for fear of straining your heart, that would leave you at far more risk of a heart attack.
The heart is a muscle & like all muscles, needs exercise to stay fit.
In the end, with any of our fears....(whatever they may be) its a case if getting it into perspective.
I have managed to do this with two major fears of mine so I know what I am talking about.
Our minds do get into a tangle.... So maybe if you are able to look through the advice here "through a different pair of glasses" to see the comments in the way they are intended..... as advice rather than criticism or worse.
I exercise much more in summer so come spring, I will gradually ramp up the levels of exercise I take. No point me going mad all of a sudden. You could do the same... & build up the levels of exercise gradually.
Much better than remaining sedentary & much more fun too.

graeme joy
06-01-15, 19:36
Thankyou CCB

---------- Post added at 19:35 ---------- Previous post was at 19:33 ----------

Thankyou guys. please read fishes original post and please convince me its not offensive over the top and is patronising. thanks.

---------- Post added at 19:36 ---------- Previous post was at 19:35 ----------

wnsos. please explain how you can accidentely overdose ??

06-01-15, 19:41
Graeme Joy,

I asked privately and now I'll ask publicly one more time. I apologize if you took my words to be offensive or patronizing. It wasn't meant that way and I made myself clear about that. In the time I've been on these boards (and you can look at the extensive history), I've done nothing but try to be positive and assist others, you included.

To continue to dwell on this and mention it in every reply is not necessary nor warranted. I said I would refrain from replying to your posts and I'm asking that you kindly do the same.

My comment was truly in an effort to help. I'll leave it at that and again wish you the best on your battle with the dragon.

Positive thoughts

graeme joy
06-01-15, 19:43
Thankyou Mrs Stress Ed. All i ask is for little support

06-01-15, 19:46
Accidental overdose is quite plausible, especially when it comes to drugs acquired from dealers. How do you know the precise makeup, strength etc. Also you could argue that with mind altering drugs you may not have the presence of mind to keep track of what you have taken. On a completely different theme a few years ago there were two drugs on the market, Calpol and Calpol Night - some parents didn't realise theatre had paracetamol in and so were accidentally giving their babies paracetamol overdose. Needless to say it was reclassified.

06-01-15, 19:46
Thankyou Mrs Stress Ed. All i ask is for little support

your very welcome hunny:hugs:hope you start to feel better soon dam anxiety x

06-01-15, 19:50
Why not visit a gym & get a proper health/fitness assessment. A programme will be suggested which is suitable for YOUR body, so no chances of overexertion!
I highly recommend following the instructions given for medication - prescription/over the counter. Devise a system which helps you keep track of what you've taken.

graeme joy
06-01-15, 19:57
Mrs Stress Ed. How do you feel about fishes original reply ?? I found it very offensive. Do you agree ??

---------- Post added at 19:57 ---------- Previous post was at 19:55 ----------

I find accidental overdose really hard to fathom especially when you are given strict instructions and directions.

06-01-15, 20:03
[QUOTE=graeme joy;1387481]Mrs Stress Ed. How do you feel about fishes original reply ?? I found it very offensive. Do you agree ??

---------- Post added at 19:57 ---------- Previous post was at 19:55 ----------

To be honest I don't think fishmanpa set out to offend you ,I just thought some people were being a little bit off with you all you need is some positive help and support not wise comments :hugs:

06-01-15, 20:06
Just getting on here and saw this thread .. Graeme, I'm sorry you have been so anxious about the topic. There is a lot of good advice on here about getting a fitness assessment, using a trainer, taking it slow, and that nobody can know what happened with the person you mentioned in the OP. Many times something that seems to be "out of nowhere" actually did have warning signs, as others have mentioned.

With regard to Fishmanpa's post, it seems he has made a few attempts to apologize. I can understand why you might be offended as it is hard to understand one's tone in an online forum, although I understand his intent in his comment. There is a LOT that is "lost in translation" when we read written comments as opposed to having a conversation in person. I think you should just let it go. He's apologized, nothing more to gain except your own frustration by dwelling on it.

graeme joy
06-01-15, 20:08
Thankyou Guys

---------- Post added at 20:08 ---------- Previous post was at 20:08 ----------

Yes Mrs Stress Ed they have all been weirdly off and i dont know why.

06-01-15, 20:34
I think that I didn't really say much different to anyone prior to me on this thread, as said already. It was maybe just the way it was said that is an issue...that the fear is 'silly'.

I will be the first to admit that I get a bit 'rolled eyes' when I read some HA posts on the site, which I don't ever see as silly, but I do see somewhat as pointless and irrational, and without any basis in reality, for instance having a ache and assuming it is cancer......

...BUT then again I quickly try to have a word with myself and say 'this member is here because they are anxious, and it is hard to be rational with anxiety, so cut them some slack.'

I think that members answer in different manners and ways to HA posts in particular. Some are straight to the point, blunt and very grounded and honest about the worry really being a daft one, and others are a bit more 'well yes i understand your fear, but you really shouldn't worry.'

It is also all about how the health anxious member views the responses and TAKES them. Some do (if we are all being really honest here) get quite defensive and annoyed when advised their fears are not really warranted. Others appreciate people being blunt with them.

graeme joy
06-01-15, 20:36
well said debs

06-01-15, 21:36
I just want to add onto Debs excellent explanation. I think sometimes there is some frustration in that advice is not being taken or taken in the right way (not considering this thread which had other factors in this respect that are best left between those involved). This can be from passion or the issues with the written word as Debs says. I find its best to try to be emotionally neutral but this can be hard when you are suffering so we all have to be mindful of each other. The rest is for the mods.

Graeme, it is possible to make ourselves susceptible but it comes from extreme cardiovascular exercise without the balance of weight bearing exercise which works against the weakening effect it can have. So, there are concerns for marathon runners to consider but not for the rest of us in this respect.

A PT can do you an assessment and structure a graduated exercise plan to move you forward. You may be interested to know that their is a GP referral scheme which allows your GP to refer you to a PT who is registered as having additional training to work within this scheme allowing them to cover health conditions and rehabilitation. This includes mental health so they could devise a programme that caters for anxiety issues and talk to you about self monitoring of healthy sensations.

Catherine S
06-01-15, 21:42
Graeme meet Terry...do not even think about disrespecting him ok?


06-01-15, 21:54
Fish's post wasn't mean or patronising.

Sometimes Fish is blunt but I don't think he was here, and his bluntness is sometimes what we need to hear. I could do with some of his bluntness right now.

My mum actually laughs at me and you know? it helps.. I know it is kind natured and she loves and supports me but she does it so I can see how silly my fears are. It doesn't work for everyone but unless anyone is actually calling you stupid etc just assume that they have their own method of support and while you may not personally like it, they come from a place of wanting to help.

I agree with all the good advice you have been given.

---------- Post added at 21:54 ---------- Previous post was at 21:48 ----------

ahh screw it, just seen the other thread.

Will refrain from commenting any further but wish I never wasted my 'breath' on the OP.

07-01-15, 00:43
I find accidental overdose really hard to fathom especially when you are given strict instructions and directions.

Yeah? Well I hope it never happens to you because it's a sickening feeling when you're so messed up you don't know which way is left. Happened to me and believe me, it's more than possible.

07-01-15, 00:51
Fishman's post is okay, its just that you don't get his point.

07-01-15, 01:20
are you talking about rik mayall diagnosed with manic depression?

i say no more...

cough cough ...robin williams... cough cough cough

ahem : /

07-01-15, 01:47
THe OP has been banned, so he can't see any additional posts on here just FYI

07-01-15, 07:18
Graeme meet Terry...do not even think about disrespecting him ok?


Thanks mum :flowers: if I've been a bad boy will I be getting my botty spanked? :winks::D

23-01-15, 11:02
Are you epileptic then

People aren't epileptic. They are people with epilepsy. Do not define people by their disease.

23-01-15, 17:28
People aren't epileptic. They are people with epilepsy. Do not define people by their disease.

I'm asthmatic and I suffer from asthma - either suits me. It's how people are treated that's important, not the words they use in these instances, imo.

23-01-15, 18:45
I'm asthmatic and I suffer from asthma - either suits me. It's how people are treated that's important, not the words they use in these instances, imo.

I agree.

I don't understand why people get so pedantic and precious about being 'labelled'. How is it an insult or defining someone by their disease? Geez. I too am asthmatic, and anxious and at times, depressed. That's the way it is, end of. It makes no odds to me if described as that, or someone with asthma, anxiety and depression! :shrug:

23-01-15, 22:26
I think it depends on the person really. So for example today, I was at an event about healthcare for disabled children. There was a big piece of work done about how children with long term conditions like to be communicated with, receive information etc. the overriding feedback was that they didn't like terminology that described them by their condition, in fact the exact quote was, 'I am not a condition, I am not a disability, I am a child'.

Horses for courses, I don't think either is necessarily right or wrong :)

---------- Post added at 22:26 ---------- Previous post was at 22:24 ----------

Also, we have a very medicalised health system that treats disease, made worse by the fact that we describe people by their condition. The sooner we start treating people rather than conditions, the closer we are likely to get to solving some of the crisis in the NHS.

(Spot the person who spends their life wittering on about person centred care)