View Full Version : panicked when relaxed...

06-01-15, 16:10
I am been suffering from this globus sensation for about 2 months on/off it's very much on. I am writing this from work to provide any form of distraction. So how can I overcome this even when relaxed I suffer from this globus, I could be doing something really enjoyable and relaxing then boom feel like I am being strangled, suffocated, constant heaviness around throat. This by far is the worse anxiety symptom I have ever experienced, worse than panick attack anything. I can this stop any advice. PLEASE, PLEASE I NEED THIS TO STOP. TIPS??

06-01-15, 16:27
I had this once, as soon as I spoke to my Dr within a day it disappeared, you may not realise but you are still thinking about it subconsciously , don't worried its nothing xxxx

06-01-15, 23:35
I suffered for months with this. The trick is to do anything that takes your mind off of it - anything that makes you concentrate on something else. Easily said - not easily done as you tend to think about it subconsciously. It's worse when you're alone, so company/conversation is good. I found doing exercise helped but different things will work for different people. If you do some self help research on the web, you will likely understand it better, and realise that it is commonly due to stress or anxiety. One of the first things to react to anxiety is the throat - like the lump in the throat feeling when you're sad or emotional - but with globus, it doesn't go away. Can you identify anything that has caused you to be stressed or anxious ? If you can address those issues, the globus should ease and finally go. I found there was no quick fix for me, but that doesn't mean to say that you can't beat it sooner rather than later. My biggest problem was having to deal with it on my own but you don't have to :bighug1:

06-01-15, 23:41
I first noticed I felt like that when I went to the spa to relax one day. I was so exhausted and emotionally stressed I figured the spa would be an amazing treat. I was freaked out by the silence, I was freaked out standing in hot steamy water with everyone just closing their eyes and relaxing, I freaked out even more when we went to that quiet steam room and everyone was just lying there sleeping with their towels and there was a TV video playing with a fake fire on the screen - I wanted to run out of that place SCREAMING. I held on for about 30min before telling my bf I felt seriously ill and we had to leave.

Now that I'm better, I look back and understand that it was anxiety ... I pretty much felt like that CONSTANTLY and would distract myself with TV, food, music, etc. I had to sleep at night with a humidifier just for the noise.

I want to go again to that spa one day just so I can actually RELAX !

Gluck :)

06-01-15, 23:41
I've mentioned this before on several threads...

Anxiety is like an oven on BROIL. In the midst of an anxiety attack, your body is full on. When you relax, your body is still hot. Just like an oven that's been turned off, it stays hot for a while. So while you may "feel" relaxed, your body is still coming down and it can take weeks before everything cools off totally.

The key is stay relaxed long enough that everything cools off. It takes time and effort but it certainly can be done. I don't know what you're doing to treat your anxiety but therapy, CBT, meds or a combination thereof may be helpful in keeping things cool.

Positive thoughts

07-01-15, 02:46
Fishmanpa has a valid point I left out when I posted earlier on. You can't stay like this. It already sounds by your message that you are at your wit's ends. Consider talking to a doctor, getting therapy, you can try those alternatives first and talk to someone to evaluate what you have, and you can always try the medical route as well (Im doing that at moment but temporarily, after countless years of anxiety and damage and hitting rock bottom it's med for 6 months or I basically go to a psychiatrict hospital.)

And think about the physical damage you are doing to yourself in the long haul... Gosh it is so exhausting and it drains us... Please talk to someone about this :)