View Full Version : Stress/Anxiety and Bladder Urgency

06-01-15, 16:45
I am a male in my mid 30s and I have suffered from anxiety on and off for a few years. About two and a half years ago, I started getting panic attacks but I'm pleased to say I overcame these and haven't had one for a couple of years now.

But I have always been an anxious/stressed person and the last few years have been particularly stressful due to my career and having two kids - I really love and enjoy my kids but it does bring its stresses.

For over a year now, I have been suffering from extreme urgency to urinate, every time my bladder gets around half full. I went to the GP and then to see a specialist, and they could not find anything untoward, and I was diagnosed with overactive bladder. I have taken two types of drugs which are supposed to relax the bladder muscles, but neither helped. I have also seen a physiotherapist to train the muscles in my bladder, but this had limited impact.

For a while, I have believed that my bladder problem is all down to stress and anxiety. The main reason being that when I am particularly stressed, the urgency is at its worst. When I am distracted/busy or when I am successfully able to get myself to relax, the symptom is much improved.

A couple of months ago, my anxiety returned with a vengeance - churning stomach and mind racing, unable to sleep for hours - symptoms that I hadn't had for a couple of years. This is when I realised I was still suffering from anxiety and when I finally concluded that my bladder problem is linked to anxiety.

Last night I was having a particularly vivid dream and in the dream, I dreamt I was going to the toilet. Unfortunately, I woke up with a start and realised that I was actually passing urine for real. This is the first time it has ever happened to me and was particularly distressing.

My main worry at the moment is a weekend away that I am due to go on with some friends in a couple of months time - obviously, this is not something that I am particularly looking forward to due to my bladder problem, and it is constantly niggling away at the back of my mind, even more so now after what happened last night.

I had recently got to the point where I was thinking that I could actually live with this condition, even though it is unpleasant, but then after what happened last night, I really want to get to the bottom of it and rid myself of it once and for all.

I am going back to see the urologist next week, to see if there are any other treatment options. I am also considering seeing a psychologist as I do believe it is all in the mind and if I could get myself to relax consistently, then my bladder problem would disappear in time. There are times when I can relax for a few hours at a time but I find it difficult to do so for a prolonged period of time.

I have read other posts on this forum from people who have suffered with bladder problems linked to their anxiety. But does anyone have any advice on how to actually overcome the problem? I would be really grateful to hear from people who have been able to deal with this problem successfully.