View Full Version : Self harm and health anxiety

06-01-15, 18:25
I hit a new low today, I found two strange lumps underneath my tongue and a bit of skin hanging off. My mum reckons it's because I ate so much sugar and says they'll go down in a few days, but I'm convinced it's oral cancer.

I didn't feel these lumps, they cause me no pain or discomfort. I just noticed them whilst cleaning my teeth a few days ago, I worked myself up so much today. I was so frightened and angry that I took it out on myself, I cut my upper arm a few times with a razor. I still can't believe I've done it, the worst part is is that it actually did take my mind off of it.

I want to get it checked out, but I've already planned the outcome in my head. The doctor will run tests, tell me it's cancer. I'll have to tell my parents and suffer and I can't take this anymore! I've completely lost it and I don't know what to do and I just want the horrible thoughts to stop.

06-01-15, 19:55
I hit a new low today, I found two strange lumps underneath my tongue and a bit of skin hanging off. My mum reckons it's because I ate so much sugar and says they'll go down in a few days, but I'm convinced it's oral cancer.

I didn't feel these lumps, they cause me no pain or discomfort. I just noticed them whilst cleaning my teeth a few days ago, I worked myself up so much today. I was so frightened and angry that I took it out on myself, I cut my upper arm a few times with a razor. I still can't believe I've done it, the worst part is is that it actually did take my mind off of it.

I want to get it checked out, but I've already planned the outcome in my head. The doctor will run tests, tell me it's cancer. I'll have to tell my parents and suffer and I can't take this anymore! I've completely lost it and I don't know what to do and I just want the horrible thoughts to stop.

please hunny go and get it checked more than likely its nothing to worry about ,but if it was the worst you would of found it quick ,I was exactly the same I convinced myself I had mouth cancer doctors dentists comfirmed it wasn't ,anxiety gets into your head and tells you the most awful things ,you need to go and get yourself sorted out before it gets you doing any more harm, better to go and face your fears im sure you come home feeling much better good luck :hugs:

06-01-15, 20:15
Definitely go and get it checked JUST for your peace of mind.

I discovered a painless lump under my tongue only on one side a few years ago. It scared me sh*tless. I never would have known it was there if I hadn't had some sugary food like you and it irritated my mouth. I looked and there was this lump under my tongue, same color as the tongue, that I never saw before.

I worried about it and stared at it for weeks. I was convinced I was going to die, especially as I just had lost my mom to cancer a few weeks prior to this. I avoided the doctor and suffered for no reason.

I finally went to the ENT and he looked at the bump for 2 seconds and said "Oh it's just your tonsil. It grew back." mine were removed as a child and I didn't know they could be under your tongue as well. I felt so stupid for being so nervous.

I don't know if yours is the same, but I tell the story because I was the same way - afraid of tests, etc. They didn't even do any. Here I am 4 years later and never even think about it but it's there still. Even if they did, at least I wouldn't be wasting my life worrying. I just wish I hadn't spent so much time avoiding it.

06-01-15, 20:23
At 20yo, you're not in the demographic for oral cancer. It's more than likely some other benign reason as your mom is saying. I'm not big on reassurance but in this case and based on your OP, having it checked out will offer some peace of mind. I am a bit concerned about the "self harm" in your post. If you're feeling that distressed, please speak to your parents or your doctor about it. There are also hotlines you can call if you're feeling a bit overwhelmed.

I hope you feel better!

Positive thoughts

06-01-15, 20:31
If it makes you feel better, if i chew gum, eat a lollipop or a packet of crisps, I can easily get 3 or 4 mouth ulcers the size of peas at any one time. They are the bane of my life. So, so sore. when I get them, my gums can also bleed because my mouth is on edge. But it's nothing serious and actually i've never worried about them, I have good oral hygiene. So don't worry.

Please, please do not self harm again. If you feel like that, dig your nails into the palm of your hand super hard. or put a band around your wrist and ping it against yourself. squeeze a stressball, hey even go outside and scream. Just don't punish your body, the anxiety alone is punishment enough. You will get through it!