View Full Version : Health anxiety medication? Help!

06-01-15, 18:59
Alright everyone i am currently about to go and get the last of my tests and if they come back fine i have promised myself that I will admit i have health anxiety. As you all know being able to say these symptoms are all in my brain is a hard thing to do especially when they are so real and cause so much pain or discomfort. My question today is a simple one, should people with Health anxiety ( i stress health anxiety ) go on an SSRI ? I was prescribed 10 mg of paxil but am hesitant to take it....why you ask!! because i am a health anxiety sufferer not a GAD and will take the symptoms and my fear is turn it in to something its not. Im wondering if anyone with HEALTH ANXIETY has ever gone on any medication, what dose and was it worth it? Or did it just make things worse. I was given lorazepam (ativan) 1mg and was taking it twice a day for 10 days and felt personality changes and felt like crap when i came off of it, thought i was dying! But, that was a benzo and those apparently are different. Anyways I'm anxious ( no pun intended ) to see what everyone has to say about this! Thanks :)


06-01-15, 19:25
yes, i'm on medication. i've been tested with a couple, the first of which gave me a really bad reaction but the second is the best thing that's ever happened to me. hopefully that helps!