View Full Version : MRI scan results - possible rheumatoid arthritis!

06-01-15, 21:09
I have had a clicking ankle for about 6 months with pain and stiffness (mostly in the mornings) on and off.

It was actually starting to feel a bit better until about a week ago and the symptoms to tend to come and go. The clicking is VERY loud, so loud I can hear it on a train full of people talking.

A month ago I had an MRI of my ankle and today I saw the consultant for the results, was expecting him to say nothing was wrong but he said there were quite a few issues going on in there:

- small bone effusion (don't really know what this is, swelling came up when I Googled)
- swollen tendons
- leaking synovial fluid
- slight plantar fasciitis

He asked if I have a family history of rheumatoid arthritis (which I do, grand parents on both sides have it and my Mom possibly has it but doesn't know for sure, she is going to check - she definitely has arthritis in her fingers but doesn't know if it is rheumatoid)

He said I will need to have a blood test to see if I have it or not.

I am really anxious cause I have back problems too that have never been fully investigated and I am worried that will be RA too and that I am just gonna go down hill and get really poorly and need loads of medical treatment etc... I know that sounds dramatic but its how my mind works :weep:

Me and my boyfriend want to get married next year and try for our first baby and I am just so scared now that I am going to end up in loads of pain, and worst case scenario not be able to have our baby (I have endometriosis so already worried about fertility! plus I am 31 in a few months so the clock is ticking for me):unsure:

Just feel really disappointed, my HA was getting so much better and now I am really feeling down about my news today.:weep:

Hoping someone can offer some advice on how to be optimistic about this and help me put things into perspective a bit?

thanks xxx

06-01-15, 21:25

Sorry about you scan results, but try not to get too worried and pessimistic.

RA is a condition that you CAN live a normal life with, with flare ups that can occur periodically. There is no reason at all that you cannot try for a baby. It is just that your condition (and this is all only IF you do have RA anyway) will make things a little more carefully monitored and followed pregnancy-wise, to be sure both you and the pregnancy are ok.

Like any diagnosis of this nature, the key is proper control, care and treatment. As long as those things are followed and in place, it does not have to mean a road to doom and gloom...not at all! x:hugs:

06-01-15, 21:36
Thanks for your reply, I have been Googling all night but I am going to stop now as I am just upsetting myself. I am not in masses of pain with either my back or ankle problems, I swam 40 lengths yesterday and walked about 3 miles today and feel fine, trying to stay optimistic but so scary thinking I could have RA.

I worry so much about being able to have a baby... literally all of my friends are having babies at the moment and it is breaking my heart as I am utterly convinced I won't be able to have one. My boyfriend is even broodier than I am and I am worried he will be even more gutted than me if we can't have a baby together. I feel so depressed and low over this. I just want a normal, happy, quiet life.

You are right, even if it is RA (which I don't know for sure yet) then it can be treated and I can live a normal life. The Dr did say there's a chance it could just be due to my gait (my feet roll outwards slightly) and I might just need shoe inserts to fix it. He said I need to have the blood test though and I am worried sick as waiting for test results is my BIGGEST trigger as I hate waiting and I am terrified it will be RA or even something worse might show up like the c word :(

Just really feeling fed up tonight, sorry to sound so pitiful but I just feel so low. I am usually a very positive person but I actually feel resentful and bitter tonight which just isn't me at all. Gonna put my pjs on a have a cup of tea I think and try and cheer up a bit xxx

06-01-15, 21:48
Although it sounds scary, it's not as bad as it sounds! My piano teacher has RA in her wrists but she still manages to play the piano. She actually gets acupuncture for it and manages to use her hands normally most of the time. And it's not even certain so try to not jump to conclusions. I know.. Easier said than done! I had to have a blood test for calcium and was convinced I had osteoporosis. Although that was a few months ago ive started worrying again over little things!

You're thinking of the worst case scenario.. Which is almost always upsetting. Remember that anxiety always makes things seem worse than they actually are! I hate waiting for results too though, I try to keep busy and distracted! Wishing you the best :)

06-01-15, 21:51
Sounds like a good plan, hun!

I would add a choccy biccy to that cuppa though...always helps me when I am feeling low.:winks:

I know waiting is horrible. It is ironic actually, as I had to be tested for RA earlier this year, as I had a lump in my neck, which apparently can come from an autoimmune disease, as RA is. My family also has an extensive arthritis history - Mum has it, my Great Uncle had RA and my Great Aunt had terrible Osteoarthritis - but I was thankfully negative, but I do suffer from a lot of aches and pains, and my knees especially. I have a suspicion that I am on the road to arthritis, but I try to just keep as active and healthy as possible, and I do think that helps a LOT, so I think it is brilliant that you are doing so much exercise. That will also help with your worry, stress and anxiety a lot.

Keep your chin up hun! x:yesyes:

06-01-15, 21:57
My ex wife has this and while there are/were times she had some aches and pains from it, with proper meds and physical therapy, she's manages quite well since she was diagnosed 20+ years ago. It hasn't stopped her from living her life at all!

It's kind of like what I deal with in recovery from cancer. You learn to deal with, treat and accept the "new normal". If this is the worst?... it's a hell of a lot better than something more sinister right? :)

Keep you chin up...

Positive thoughts

06-01-15, 22:04
Thanks guys - all these replies have REALLY helped me. I have had a rough time with my HA over the last month or so and I know my thought processes are all skewed at the moment, it really helps me to come here and talk to people who can help me rationalise things.