View Full Version : 3rd time round.... is this the way my life is always going to be?

06-01-15, 21:57
my anxiety is back for the third time. alot has happened recently, my grandfather passed away, ive had alot of stress in work as i am managing now, well, proving myself as a manager so thats alot to take on. im going away for a week soon and i have to take a plane and i am soooo scared of flying. so my anxiety is through the roof. i know i can get through this ive done it twice before but im only 24 years old, is this going to happen every single time somthing changes? the last time it lasted over a year, i had to leave college. i lost friends. i dont want this to keep happening my whole life! i LOVE my job but im beginning to question moving up the ladder, maybe being a manager isnt for me? but why should i let damn axiety hold me back!? im so fed up with this!