View Full Version : been the doctors

06-01-15, 22:15
i went to the doctors today for my check up and told him all the stuff im having at the moment! and he wont send me for any more test as he puts it down to anxiety but im struggling to believe him because ive never felt like this before from when I had it bad a few years back im on nearly week 5 of sertraline been on 100mg for 3 weeks! also take dyasapan now and again! this all came back because I lost my appetite and lost weight and I have ive gone off certain things I use to love! my things I have at the moment are.

+poor appetite but can eat a fair amount

+no weight loss now im eating even put some on

+loose fluffy stools since xmas eve and bits of onion in it sorry guys tmi!

+stomach ache just before going loo but then its gone

+joints in arms and legs feel strange and now and again I get this dull ache down my legs. hands ache and and crack

+legs feel weak and I feel dizzy.

+lower stomach round by pelvis makes all this noise and it sometimes feels like my anus is rumbling sorry again guys!

06-01-15, 23:32
Your Dr is absolutely right to not order further tests. All that is going to do is perpetuate your anxiety by calming you for now, until the next thing comes along.

Let's look at this objectively:

+poor appetite but can eat a fair amount

- anxiety takes away your appetite. The fact you are physically able to keep down a good portion of food tells me there is nothing physically wrong.

+no weight loss now im eating even put some on

- This would be because weight loss is a simple equation of energy in - energy out. You are eating fine (despite not feeling hungry) hence the weight gain.

+loose fluffy stools since xmas eve and bits of onion in it sorry guys tmi!

- This can be a symptom of anxiety. Stress causes a rush of adrenaline that redistributes both water and blood flow. That redistribution means that your gastrointestinal tract is not filtering water correctly, leading to poor stool health. Your body also slows the digestion of food, which contributes to diarrhea.

+stomach ache just before going loo but then its gone

- Totally normal. This is known as "peristalsis". In some people it has no feeling, in hypersensitive people or people with hard stools it causes discomfort directly before a movement and often goes shortly after.

+joints in arms and legs feel strange and now and again I get this dull ache down my legs. hands ache and and crack

- You are focusing on symptoms. This is anxiety. I want you to concentrate on your left foot/ankle for 20 minutes. In that time, think of nothing other than your left foot/ankle. What do you feel?

+legs feel weak and I feel dizzy.

- Anxiety. This is another response of your body to the fight/flight stress reaction.

+lower stomach round by pelvis makes all this noise and it sometimes feels like my anus is rumbling sorry again guys!

- Your body has functions that allow it to operating NORMALLY on a daily basis. You are hypersensitive and are noticing the smallest of things that are considered normal. Does the rumbling cause pain or is it just rumbling?

The human body is a very clever thing. The human mind is also quite a powerful thing.The old adage "mind over matter" is very accurate.

What you need at this point is to learn to focus on external factors that are NOT body related. When you feel something new you need to ignore it unless it causes a pain that is persistent and not easily ignored.

You need to listen to your Dr because otherwise when something is really wrong they might just think this is more anxiety.

Are you under the care of a psychologist? Has your Dr ever referred you for this?

I think this is what you really need to think about at this point :)

06-01-15, 23:41
hi there thank you very much for your reply and listing out all that for me that meant a lot and that is what im really trying to do and look at something and think of a simple reason for it the thing is I cant even drink fizzy pop any more and certain foods! Im in no pain what so ever I do feel weak but I don't know if that in my head! the rumbling has no pain with it! I find I burp a lot and get gassey to like there loads of air in my chest? yes I start cbt soon I thought the drugs would have no side affects now but I was on 50mg for 2 weeks and was sick nearly every morning so think they might have came back up

06-01-15, 23:47
Well there Luke 'ol Boy.... The doc has ruled out medical reasons for your symptoms and as mumma2to so eloquently posted, it leaves the obvious.

So... What are going to do about it? ;) Keep that CBT appointment and learn to be a dragon slayer!

Positive thoughts

06-01-15, 23:51
thanks fish I do look forward to you positive replys :) im trying but even when im feeling chilled out something happens and im back to this again

07-01-15, 01:19
im trying but even when im feeling chilled out something happens and im back to this again

Yup, that be the horrific round-a-bout that is anxiety.

Same thing happens to all of us - which is why we all post on these boards. We know exactly how it feels.

We are all at different points on the path of getting a handle on it - the first thing that you need to do is trust what it is your Dr is telling you.

If it makes you feel any better, I too couldn't handle any meds - they made me feel sick to my stomach.

I try to practice meditation - I like the visualising meditations, I visualise myself in a situation many years from now with my children grown and in a happy, healthy state.

It's a battle and it is something that you'll do ok with some days and not so much other days.

For me, new pains are a worry. Although my rational mind knows it is nothing major (I am dealing with sharp quick temple aches right now) my irrational mind tries to convince me that it is something sinister.

I keep a dialogue with my husband. He is my sounding board. I run through it with him and together we come up with a sensible approach. If the problem is still there and persistent (so not getting worse or better) then I make an appointment to see my GP. I then make it a point to leave it to them to order any tests or diagnosis. I do not google (lesson learned in the early days).

I won't lie, at times the problem niggles at me when it persists - like this morning I had wet hair that pulled on a towel and it sent the sharp pain in my temple. The reality is I hadn't felt it in a few days and prior to that it was only when provoked.

My irrational mind wanted to hang onto the pain and run with it - I held up a "stop" sign and said "no way"........I am feeling great now - I have distracted myself with some reading that has refocused my mind.

If it was a serious issue distraction wouldn't work and it would have gotten worse NOT better.

You need to listen to your Dr and you need to be real with yourself. You need to learn what to ignore and what to listen to. Then you need to know how to keep it all in perspective.

07-01-15, 02:11
I see where your coming from back when I was in my early 20s im 26 now I use to go out and get drunk and then the symtoms use to go till I woke up im not drinking any more because my stomach wont let me which I find strange! its mainly the weight loss and loss of appetite and starting to stress as work that got me the most I lost over a stone in about a month I had stopped drinking beer and was working 70 hours a week on my feet and skipping meals so maybe that's why I lost it all

07-01-15, 02:43
That would make sense :) - see, you have come up with a sensible explanation.

The next step is to work out a way to manage the crazy schedule and your diet that is both healthy and stress free (or minimal).

What are some things that you can do to make sure you are well rested, eating balanced and relaxed?