View Full Version : accepting(please read)

07-01-15, 07:37
Morning all, with ha why is it so hard to accept that things are normal, 6 weeks ago, Ihad no problem accepting that my boobs are normal, but now its so hard to accept it, even after being checked by docs, iI have no lumps or bumbs, they seem the same, but my ha is distorting that fact, how do you move on, any advice aaprieciated xxx

07-01-15, 08:00
Its the same with the other anxiety disorders, for instance with GAD you can be sitting in your home doing what you normally do with no triggers and still feel anxious for no reason all day or with OCD because the rituals serve no purpose but you still feel you have to do them.

Acceptance is hard and dependant on the form of disorder, it might be one of several elements of a recovery strategy.

My personal thoughts on acceptance are that its only a tool in the toolbox and that it can be helpful to work on several of the elements because some others are easier to learn and they can help reduce anxiety which perhaps makes the acceptance part easier. This is why I promote Mindfulness because acceptance is one of it's 8 elements.

Whichever route, its the opposite of what your anxious mind wants you to do so its always going to be hard. Tackle it head on our from the flanks or undermine your anxiety any way you can because each inroad you make will give you a vested chance of success with the harder strategies.