View Full Version : New to the forum and needing help

07-01-15, 14:39
Hi, I am new to this forum and desperately needing some reassurance. I am a 34 year old mother of 5 and have been on anti-depressants my entire adult life. I have suffered with depression, anorexia and anxiety over the last 16 years but recently the anxiety/panic attacks have become much more frequent and I have become obsessive over my health.
My youngest son was born in May (I have had three babies in three years, so my body has been through a lot!) and by July I was experiencing a LOT of health issues. I started with a permanent sore throat, swollen glands in throat and groin, head aches, pins and needles all over, numbness in my back, face and legs, I was freezing cold all the time, feeling sick, lost around 28lb in a couple of months, had buzzing sensations throughout my body, couldnt sleep, difficulty swallowing and various other issues. I went to the doctor who ran bloods which all came back normal.
From July until now I have seen the doctor countless times. I saw a neurologist, had a brain scan (came back clear) and have been tested for diabetes, thyroid disorders, all kinds of deficiences and disorders and all have come back normal. I still have two very hard glands in my neck and four in my groin as well as two in my abdomen that are palpable. The doctor insists they are nothing to worry about and says it is because I am so thin. I weight around 110lb and am 5ft 7 so yes I am thin, but I still dont feel this is normal.
Today I saw my doctor again who basically said he thinks this is ENTIRELY due to anxiety and he has referred me for CBT. I am already on 60mg of fluoextine and I take 30mg amitriptyline for fibromyalgia. My concern is, can anxiety cause PHYSICAL symptoms?? Can it cause glands to swell?? I feel like I have been sent away and thats the end of it all now where as I feel SO poorly every day. I am so tired I can barely climb the stairs most days, I am tearful and constantly feeling like the worst is going to happen. I cant enjoy my children because I am so scared that I am going to have to leave them and it is becoming harder to cope as a 'normal' person when I am feeling this way.
Can anyone identify with this?? Am I alone in feeling this way?? Thank you for listening. xx

07-01-15, 16:12
Hello! I'm new to the forum also but I am very much in tune with what you are going through. Of course, I am much older than you but the feelings are very much the same. I was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure and that sent me over the rails. Depression, Extreme anxiety and panic attacks. My labs came out fine too, but somehow for some reason I worry no end. Palpitations and the exhaustion are something that make me want to cry, and without being able to control it. I was prescribed a little anxiety pill but I'm not used to taking to many medications so to be honest I'm sucking this up on my own. I have never been on the fatty side but have lost a lot of weight too. I'm practically skeletal at 5'4" with 104 lbs. because I have also become phobic about food because of the salt and sodium contents and eating without any salt makes me unhappy. Food tastes so blah! The doctor did not put me on a salt diet though. Just that I'm terrified for my blood pressure. This is my third bout of depression and anxiety in my lifetime. It is no fun! You have children to live for...my children are all grown ups although they are always around me and are great support. I am an executive director for a non-profit organization and the pressure at times can be to much but I enjoy my job and of course need it, but I'm concerned about my anxiety situation and how it may affect my work. I am trying just about every recommendation for anxiety that is out there. From 1 to 10 being 10 the best I am normally between 7 and 8. I am hopeful and wishing that we can overcome this situation soon and perhaps I'm not the best counselor at this moment but I would advice you to find help with the children so that you can take breaks to focus on yourself and your healing. That's what I did. My 2 weeks x-mas from work were horrible but at least I did what I felt like doing, which was basically nothing, just mope around, chat, get information and so on. But your babies will appreciate this in the future because you may be able to come back a more happy relaxed mom. Chatting about my anxiety and depression, comparing symptoms and feelings have helped me somewhat, also relaxing meditation zen music helps me sleep much better. You can find great relaxation music on internet. Throughout these days I have come to see that I am not the only one going through this sad and scary situation. You are not alone either. I am on the other side of the world in the Caribbean but we are close through the web. I will remember you in prayers and may God help us in our journey to healing and well being. Friend.:)

07-01-15, 16:28
Hi Striving,
Reading your post was almost like reading something about myself, wow. I feel your pain.


07-01-15, 16:30
Yes anxiety can absolutely cause physical symptoms!
When I'm in a bad place with anxiety I feel incredibly poorly.
Have also lost weight, got swollen glands, vertigo and constant nausea at the moment!
If tests are coming back normal then you may have to accept it's anxiety causing it all and trust what your doctor recommends to help you.
Hope you feel better soon!