View Full Version : new symtoms everyday

07-01-15, 16:19
this is where im stuck is it anxiety or not ...
i wake up everyday feeling groggy i never feel refreshed or excited or anything !
its always waking with doom and gloom then for the past 3 days iv had a feeling thats not there constantly but its a cool sensation in my ear kind of like cold water or cold air is stuck in my ear mild pain like burning which again same time as yesterday i now have burning headache and pressure in my eyes ect im so frustrated because apart from this ear thing i have had a pretty good day i had chest pains and arm pain this morning that i ignored but this ear /head pressure feeling is making me think brain tumor im even getting brain shivers ! i think its fluid leakage from my brain or a blood clot or anyrsm about to burst or maybe i already have a bleed on my brain or its a brain tumor that ready to burst my anxiety has not been on brain tumors ect for so long but i cant help but think it then come the horrible thoughts of whos going to find me whats going to happen is everything just going to go black am i going to be aware and start bleeding out of my ears nose ect and my worries then go onto whats my family gonna do how will my children react its one thing after another and it wont stop it litrally is 24 hours a day even my dreams are now worries !! im so sure im going to die of something to do with my brains and i cant control my worries at all

07-01-15, 17:16
Hi stars, I'm so sorry you feel like this,please try to calm down and take a deep breath, there is nothing wrong with you apart from anxiety, I felt exactly how you do, last wee, I have been on my meds now for just over three weeks and I have improved slightly, are you on meds and for how long, I found the first two weeks hell, I had burning sensation down my arms and chest, Iwould wake at 4 every morning paralized with fear, shaking uuncontrollably, I was awlful, but this week it has eased I can sleep all night, not as shaky, not so anxious, so hopefully you will start feeling like this soon, if you need to chat I am here, lots of love herbie I xxx

07-01-15, 18:17
hey hun no im on no meds i took ciatropram i think its called a month back and had burning in arms and chest and hives i stopped straight away and im now scared to take the meds cause it was so intense my partner thinks i have a sinus infection coming on but iv had loads my ears have never been effected im so worried and my mind wont rest :( and thankyou so much xx