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07-01-15, 16:53
ok I don't want to post about being ill or scared I got all these things I probably don't have but what I would like is for people to share if they have had these things and for how long I will say im on week 5 of sertraline 100mg for 3 weeks :)

poor appetite sometimes food dosnt sit well if that makes sense no pain just burping ext

loose stools went this morning and it was loose but like 5 different stools floating on the surface :blush:

just been again and was loose again and some bits floating :shrug:

had these loose stools for maybe 2 weeks now!

has anyone else had this happen and how long has it lasted for you?
my appetite has been poor for months now not lost anymore weight though:yesyes:

---------- Post added at 16:53 ---------- Previous post was at 16:51 ----------

also feel weak on my legs if that makes sense and ive got no pain in stomach area ext just a slight ache before going the loo

07-01-15, 17:08
Hi Luke, I haven'thad any appetite for couple of weeks, just started eating properly again, I'vealso had indigestion on and off, Iknow the meds can cause both of these symptoms, as for the loose stools tthat's because you are anxious, whenever my mum steps inside a hospital she gets the runs cause she is scared, so try not to worry, you will get better, give your meds a chance and be kind to yourself xx

07-01-15, 17:27
I hope you aren't still looking at your poo :) (just kidding!) All your symptoms sound like anxiety and/or side effects of medication to me. I definitely suffered with loss of appetite when I started on Sertraline and I'm only on 50mg a day and was panicking yesterday as some ladies at work were like "you have lost weight!" I get floaty bits in my poo too when it is loose. Anxiety can definitely make your bowels loose so try to relax if you can. Remember, with HA you are hyper-aware of bodily sensations and any pains can sometimes feel worse than they are cause sometimes we 'home in' in them and focus on them. I know its easier said than done but if you can try and stop looking at your poo it will really, really help :) take it easy and take care of yourself. Are you managing to eat enough fruit and veggies?

07-01-15, 20:33
cheers for the replys guys :) snowflake ive been bad ive been eating shit because im scared ill lose more weight even though im not skinny im 6ft and 14.50 stone when people my height are like 13.40 lol but im quite broud so id look stupid at that size! my poop is now normal brown! which im happy about haha! I got this dull ache in my stomach last night didn't hurt just aching had it a few times! doctor put me back on meds because I lost my appetite had stomach problems lost weight ext!

---------- Post added at 20:33 ---------- Previous post was at 17:48 ----------

just had what I think was a panic attack not a big one but I was sat here and got a sharp ache in my groin hip and legs and started getting in a panic! ive had it before I few times ages ago! so im trying not to worry! went for a fast walk and felt breathless but I think it was because I was walking and having a panic

07-01-15, 20:52
Luke, have been following your posts and obviously replying to you a bit lately. Cannot stress this enough but watch Claire Weekes videos/listen to tapes/read the books. Has been my saivour this past week and I'm feeling better already. Please please read them and believe what she writes and take the advice she gives. It can change your life.

07-01-15, 21:02
Just a note! I had what can be described as Rabbit poo stools and it was dehydration!

Anxiety can drain your body of fluids so bear that in mind :)

Try drinking plenty of water and see how you go :)

07-01-15, 21:09
im drinking loads of water and eating even though I don't feel hungry