View Full Version : fear

07-01-15, 18:58
Hi all, Ijust wondered has anyone ccompletely overcome there fear of a certain illness, what I mean is I feel like maybe I can overcome this particular scare, but what worries me is now that seed has been planted in my head am I always going to fear this in the future, I don't want to have to keep checking all the time, it now scares me that I may find something that is real, also Ithink tthat my trigger this time round was due to a school friend dying suddenly in sept, however she did not die of the thing Iam fearing the most which is odd xx

07-01-15, 19:03

The nature of the HA beast is that one worry always seems to be replaced by another until the cycle is broken, However my initial HA fear when it all started many years ago was a brain tumour. I can now have a headache and accept that that is what it is.

07-01-15, 19:10
Its a really weird thing because while you are worried about one area of your body you tend to neglect the rest as if it doesn't exist, i actually have painful thumbs but while I have been worrying about my boobs, its like they are not attached to me anymore, and they have given me trouble for years but nothing serious xx

07-01-15, 19:52
Exactly. Sometimes I only stop worrying about something when something else takes its place. It is endless

07-01-15, 20:15
So that should tel us that it is anxiety xx