View Full Version : Air hunger

07-01-15, 19:25
I have a problem with air hunger. I'm willing to accept it is my anxiety as sometimes I don't notice it and it goes. The question I want to ask is:

Can anyone give me a course or breathing methods to start returning my breathing habits "back to normal"


Sam :)

07-01-15, 19:31
I have said this a lot as hyperventilation is very common with anxiety, if your fit then running up and down stairs will burn up the excess oxygen you have created with the over breathing, or you could try the paper bag option, never worked for me but we are all different.
Singing helps but it needs to be loud and strong.

07-01-15, 19:41
Thanks for the swift reply Alex. Basically the problem is I know I breathe too fast all day long due to my anxiety and have done for a long time. I breathe into my chest too and I know these are bad breathing habits probably from my anxiety but I'm not entirely sure how to correct this :)

07-01-15, 19:53
Have you considered yoga, I did it many years ago and it really helped to teach me good breathing habit's, not that I don't get it ever just it doesn't take over my life completely.

07-01-15, 19:56
You can do it - remember the power lies within you! sit comfortably and relax your entire body, make it heavy and make sure everything is relaxed even your mouth/jaw, fingers, toes, knees. relax and take deep breaths so that your stomach fills up with air, let it out slowly. do it a few times a day at first, or whenever you feel like you need to. I do it usually for a couple of hours on and off before bed time or when I am in a nice hot bath.

07-01-15, 21:51
Had this problem a few weeks ago. Constantly felt the need to take deep breaths. It's subsided now and I just made sure to keep myself distracted as I noticed it more when I was doing nothing...