View Full Version : weird head rush :((

07-01-15, 21:59
Hi all

I have anxiety daily but last night i had a weird head rush in my forehead and ever since my head as been fuzzy...it seems to come and go. Im worried something serious happened but maybe it could be anxiety...i really am questioning what it is. As anyone else had the rush feeling and the fuzziness. I am debating a n e

Thanks in advance

07-01-15, 22:24
Yes this is quite common with anxiety.

07-01-15, 22:57
Hey Amy
I've had a lot of problems with this head rush type feeling recently too. The best way I can describe it is as though you feel you may pass out due to a rush or pressure type feeling in the head but then it disappears several seconds later. I also get a ringing in my ears after for a few seconds. Actually went to the doctors freaking out today worried about a brain tumour (my absolute HA fear). She looked in my eyes did all the other tests and put my mind at ease about this. She also said the head rush type feeling is very common and sounds completely anxiety related and not at all anything to do with a tumour. She said it was more than likely an adrenaline rush. Hope this helps, don't worry you're not alone :)

08-01-15, 03:01
Thanks so much to you both for replying. My health anxiety as gone downhill fast! Im get palps almost constant and its really freaking me out ive not had them like this for a long time.

I read something i shouldnt and its increased my heart worries to an extreme and now have been suffering with the same symptoms as this individual and now im convinced i have a undetected heart defect its driving me insane...i cant cope.

08-01-15, 11:18
I highly doubt there is anything wrong with your heart Amy. I imagine your quite young as I am and of course you know that palpitations are a massive symptom of anxiety. maybe you should see a doctor who can listen to your heart and put your mind at rest :)

08-01-15, 15:28
Hi thanks for reply. I have had it checked and all ok they said. Still cant cope with this fuzzy head. I keep thinking its serious...i did have ringin in my hears few hour before the headrush. I think mayb my nervous system is frazzled :((( x

09-01-15, 16:08
That's okay glad to hear all is well and I know how you feel haha its exhausteexhausting isn't it :) x