View Full Version : Does anyone know how brain tumor symptoms work?

07-01-15, 22:19
For the past 3 weeks or so I have been having a serious bout of HA.

It all started with a slight pain in the left side of my head when I coughed or bent over. I went to the doctor and was told it was likely a sinus infection and she gave me some spray steroids. The pain in my head evolved into a constant dull headache over the next few day and by the first week I had started to have slightly blurry vision with objects in the distance (20+ft).

The headaches have subsided and were always controllable with ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Today in fact I had no headache at all, but my eyes feel more blurry that usual and while at work and worrying about the vision problems I started to feel dizzy and spacey. Near the end of my shift I had a full blown dizzy fit, I was really scared. My face has also been feeling very warm for some reason.

I am just wondering if brain tumor headaches would come and go. I was also wondering if these are things that may come from anxiety itself.

07-01-15, 22:26
It sounds like anxiety to me, I have had exactly the same, dizzy and spacey, not feeing like I am here,don'twworry you will be fine xxx

07-01-15, 23:35
This used to be a big part of my Health Anxiety and from what I learned, headache from a brain tumour will not really subside. Because it creates pressure it's kind of always there.

If you look back through your post you'll see that the dizziness/spacy feelings started after you were worrying about the vision thing. This is typical of anxiety.

It's always best to visit the doctor to get a proper diagnosis but sounds like Anxiety.

08-01-15, 00:18
Yeah, when I got home from work my limbs were feeling shaky and light. After lying down with my favorite blanket and some good youtube videos, I cried and now I am feeling better.

I really hate HA.

08-01-15, 09:45
I am thinking the worst thing anyone here could do is tell you any symptoms. If you are anything like me you will begin to look for these symptoms and develop them.

If you are worried, please see your Dr