View Full Version : Arms and legs tensing up! Like there flexing?

08-01-15, 00:17
Please tell me someone has felt this, my calves ( especially my left one ) tenses up and my for arms tense up to almost like im flexing them myself. I am freaking right out and feel like im getting some kind of disease that causes me to tense up. My anxiety is bad lately. Please help

08-01-15, 00:28
It's called muscle tonus. I got it as a side effect to a medication. Harmless, although a bit tiring. Try to get more sleep as you need it. It's almost the same as though you've played a sport or something, so do eat plenty of protein, and a bit of healthy fat, and give it some weeks to pass :)

08-01-15, 00:31
im worried its ALS, my tongue often feels like im slurring. They only really tense up when I am talking to someone or moving. I am so scared! I have had blood work done and MRI and nothing showed up the doctors say its anxiety.....and I should believe them. I want to try an SSRI but im terrified of the symmptoms