View Full Version : shaky legs when waking down stairs

08-01-15, 09:14
Hello everyone. Celebrating my Christmas a little late this year. Just flew home From Denver to be with my family in Pittsburgh today and I noticed al day I felt off. Weakness, tremors, twitches...and just now I just noticed that when I went to walk down my stairs, my legs were trembling. Almost enough where it was hard to walk. Last night I didn't get very much sleep and I sat on a plane for 4 hours....could this be it? I of course googled things which made me freak out worse, so now I'm in a panic. Do you think it's just fatigue? Ive always some bad shakiness, but never walking down stairs. Could use an opinion...thanks for reading guys!

08-01-15, 11:13
Could definitely be it. I had shaky legs once at the height of my anxiety. I was walking down a hill in glasgow and they just turned to jelly. I'd never felt anything like it and panicked more. I think it could also have been linked to a cold I had? I didn't have a runny nose or anything til days after that. Hope this helps some. Xx

08-01-15, 17:32
I've had this for about a week now. I'm sure it's a combination of anxiety/focusing on it more than usual.