View Full Version : Making progress now crashed... Symptoms !

08-01-15, 10:42
Hey everyone!

I been having anxiety/depression/derealization for last 2 months ! I was put on sertraline by one doc and given mirtazapine by my mental health worker who wants me stop the sertraline when I stop taking it I go back to derealization which is horrid if I take both I sleep and feel normal ..... But this morning I woke up ( missed sertraline yesterday and had derealization, lighting was really werid felt like I was in a dull dream, relaxed it with the diazepam got given for emercengy ) I woke up this morning nose stuffed up, dull head pain on my left and feel bit numb .... But full blow though of brain tumours is back ! Even tho not having sweaty feet no more and hands when get anxious... Having slight floaters which didn't before, also my pupils which was going uneven all time has no settled which I got checked and said all was ok it just be my anxiety/ssri causing it ... bit ache and pains now making me think got brain tumour :/ ! If I had a brain tumour would I really feel better then go backwards would mirtazapine or sertraline even work if I did have a tumour ?! Ps my appetite gone mental am eating non stop but also had the sh#ts and urninating a lot ?!

Sorry to ask but it horrid as Ive only just started being myself again now am going backwards ...
Thanks for those who reply !