View Full Version : I can't do it anymore

08-01-15, 12:45
The life i'm living is to hard and I don't want to do it anymore. I worry about everything, what everyone thinks of me. I'm scared to say anything in case it gets twisted and turned against me. I can't even do the housework without my sister-in-law having a go at me. All I did was tell my nephew off for getting in the way the whole time. Not my fault she sits on her butt and does nothing.

I'm not coping very well and I really don't see the point in continuing....

08-01-15, 12:56
hi.sorry to hear you are feeling so low.i can relate to that feeling and not wanting to go on anymore..i cant tell you to just ignore what people think because its a real feeling for you and will not just go away because someone tells you it will..you need to try and valdate what you want from life and try not to get so upset with things.its hard i know but you have to keep going as best you can and things in time will fall into place.i suffer depresion to and have many days where i just think,whats the point..but i just keep going in hope something will change for me...chin up..