View Full Version : worried I might have a skin cancer on the top of my foot

08-01-15, 13:04

I noticed a week or two ago a dark bit of dry skin on the top of my foot. I scratched it and it left what appeared to be a hole and dark blood came out. It is still there and I scratched it again and there is still dark blood and what apears to be a small red hole. It is dark around the out side. I have looked on google about the symptoms of skin cancers and have seen many images and it was worried me silly that it is now a skin cancer :huh:

08-01-15, 13:53
Hi there

I had something similar on the back of my neck before Christmas. It was a dry mole I had scratched drying myself with a towel after a shower and it bled and appeared to be sunken in the middle and resembled photos I Googled of skin cancer. I was terrified and convinced it would be skin cancer but I saw a GP who said it was just a dry mole and nothing to worry about. I moisturised it with Vaseline for a few days and its back to normal now. I have had little flaky bump on my scalp too for years and years and used to worry myself sick over it, but had it checked out a few times and it is fine. I really do know where you are coming from with the worrying though.

It sounds like you have just picked at some dry skin on your foot to me, try as best as you can not to pick it and allow it to heal if you can. If it doesn’t get better in a couple of days and you are still worried then by all means see your GP to set your mind at rest.

Try as best as you can not to Google. I am the worlds worse Googler and at my worst I would Google various things about 50 times a day and convince myself I was dying of every disease going :( I am trying as hard as I can not to do this now.


08-01-15, 14:42
Thank you for your reply snowflake :hugs:

It might be something like a bit of dry skin or a spot that has formed ntop of my foot. I have had it for about 2 weeks (I think)

I dont know if you can scrape the dry skin off the top of a skin cancer and have a small hole there?

I have read that you cannot scrape a skin cancer as it is not like a spot or a scab or dry skin. I am not sure.

Thanks for your reply and comforting words though :hugs:

08-01-15, 15:57
You are welcome :)

The most likely cause will be just a bit of dry skin, or perhaps a bit of irritating from shoes or something?

I don't know enough about skin cancer to say really if it can be scraped off or how it is related to dry skin.

Leave it be and see if it heals up by itself. Try a little tea tree oil or mild antiseptic to help it heal. Try not to worry, it most likely isn't anything to worry about at all, but please see a Dr if you are still concerned - just to put your mind at rest :hugs:

08-01-15, 16:27
I am sure its nothing to worry about. I might be making it worse worrying. It may just need more time to heal as it is on the top or my foot. I must not read/google about every little thing that appears it only makes it worse.

Thank you :hugs: