View Full Version : does anyone have a problem with there partners kids?

08-01-15, 15:09
hi just wondering if im not the only one here... I haven't really gone out with a woman with more than one child before I also have one enthusiastic 7 yr old child myself...

however my new missus who I like very much has a few kids and ill be honest being around her kids just gets on my goat...there not naughty in a shout at them way but bone idol liberty takers who completely run the house

she shouts at them.....then makes excuses for em.. absolutely shocking

I have a few motocross bikes and offered the one lad 5 minutes away from his ps4 to come on the bike youd have thought id just landed from the planet zod

I go on regular holidays abroad etc but theres no way im taking these three with me me ive made that clear to my missus

im in a bit of a catch 22 here as I obv me and her want to do things together I seem harsh but I don't feel guilty

anyone been in this scenario before its a new one to me esp as my child is complete chalk and cheese to her 3 miseries

08-01-15, 16:29
How old are these 3 'darlings'?? If they're teenagers then their behaviour is normal, although not acceptable.

When anyone ventures into the world of dating again in can be a minefield, especially if there are kids involved. I was divorced 12 years before I did it and my kids were then a lot older.

You don't say if you live with your new lady. I don't think you're being harsh at all, you don't want their behaviour rubbing off on your child.

If they don't want to join in, then leave them to it. Just concentrate on building your relationship with her. But if it irritates you too much then walk away.

Good luck and take care

08-01-15, 20:10
Honestly, that sounds like inevitably, her children and her parenting style are at odds with yours and eventually that will be a major issue. It's not going to change and your not their father. Time to make some tough decisions. Been there done that!

Positive thoughts

09-01-15, 12:38
see shes also one of these who will leave me be in the pub etc after work etc whilst my mates missus constantly nagging down the phone etc they all keep saying I don't know how good ive got it and would kill for a missus like that lmao