View Full Version : Happy little blip!

08-01-15, 16:40
Yesterday I was up and on my computer when I started to get a headache. It was a strange headache for me...I usually get migraines but this was different. It was more of a pressure headache, sharp sometimes, and I felt just a little dizzy and off.

My HA is largely under control, as is my GAD (typically, there are times it seems to flare up) and I've been really proud of myself. I had a brief panic about my dogs a few weeks ago that was awful even though it was short-lived, and this episode yesterday made me feel like I was going down that road again. I told myself to ignore it, to move past it, etc. but the feeling persisted.

It got better last night. I went to bed and woke up with it just slightly this morning but much better. I got on Facebook to find my local weather team had posted information that we had record pressure levels yesterday centered not terribly far from where I lived - and lots of comments from people stating they, too, had had strange headaches.

So, it was totally normal! Strange to me because I'm not accustomed to high pressure. Just goes to show that sometimes there's a perfectly harmless explanation even when it feels like you're going off the deep end. Glad I didn't go totally crazy! :D